Customer Compliance (3)
Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
Some Customer Compliance investigations originate from anonymous “tip-offs” by one means or another. I would like to know:
1) What information is initially logged on receipt of the tip-off with a sample of the template in use.
2) What checks are undertaken to support any accusations that may have been made to ensure vexatious claims are not pursued.
3) What other information is collected about the claimant through the passage of the investigation and how/where it is recorded.
4) How cases that have been subject to an investigation are formally closed.
5) What review processes are in place – e.g. once a case has been closed, what follow up is scheduled?
I would also like to see a copy of the guide/handbook that spells out the framework within which Compliance Officers must operate – precisely what they can and cannot do, how they manage their workload, escalation procedures, limits of authority, how to stay within the law etc.
Yours faithfully,
J Newman
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Dear Mr Newman,
Please see attached response to your FoI request.
Kind regards,
DWP Central FoI Team
From: J Newman [mailto:[FOI #126134 email]]
Sent: 17 August 2012 13:22
To: DWP freedom-of-information-requests
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Customer Compliance (3)
Dear Department for Work and Pensions,
Some Customer Compliance investigations originate from anonymous
"tip-offs" by one means or another. I would like to know:
1) What information is initially logged on receipt of the tip-off
with a sample of the template in use.
2) What checks are undertaken to support any accusations that may
have been made to ensure vexatious claims are not pursued.
3) What other information is collected about the claimant through
the passage of the investigation and how/where it is recorded.
4) How cases that have been subject to an investigation are
formally closed.
5) What review processes are in place - e.g. once a case has been
closed, what follow up is scheduled?
I would also like to see a copy of the guide/handbook that spells
out the framework within which Compliance Officers must operate -
precisely what they can and cannot do, how they manage their
workload, escalation procedures, limits of authority, how to stay
within the law etc.
Yours faithfully,
J Newman
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Dear DWP freedom-of-information-requests,
Your main obligation under the Act is to respond to requests promptly, but within NO MORE THAN 20 working days. This update was published on day 20 i.e. the last possible minute. You received it on 17th August.
• On what date did you first read it?
• On what date did you decide that the public interest might apply?
Note that I am not asking about information that is in any way personal. Non-compliance (as DWP terms it) is a serious offense and must be dealt with on purely rational and impartial grounds. In addition the concept is open to abuse in such a way as to infringe personal liberties, so it is vital that the process applied is open to public scrutiny. You are the DWP, not the KGB.
Yours sincerely,
J Newman
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By the next working day your request will be forwarded to the relevant
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If your email is a Freedom of Information request you can normally
expect a response within 20 working days.
Should you have any further queries in connection with this request do
please contact us.
For further information on the Freedom of Information Act within DWP
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Dear J Newman
Please see attached response to your FoI request.
Kind regards
DWP Central FoI Team
Dear J Newman
Please see attached response to your FoI request.
Kind regards
DWP Central FoI Team
Dear DWP freedom-of-information-requests,
Mmmmm. Over 3 weeks to decide that the public interest exemption MIGHT apply. Very strange - I would have thought the possibility would have been evident immediately and I could have been advised within a day or two.
Then only two weeks to decide that it didn't and assemble the information.
Yours sincerely,
J Newman
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