Current Travel Plan

Ceris Humphreys made this Freedom of Information request to University of Bath Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Ceris Humphreys

Dear University of Bath,
In a recent planning application your transport consultant referred to a 2016 Travel Plan which had yet to be updated, and a "2019/20 Baseline Report" by your transport consultant purports to evaluate some data against a Travel Plan.
Please advise whether the 2016 Travel Plan has been updated and if so please provide a copy of the updated Plan.
If the 2016 Travel Plan has not been updated, please provide a copy of that. Many thanks,
Yours faithfully,
Ceris Humphreys

Freedom of Information, University of Bath

Good morning

Please accept this email as acknowledgement that your request has been received by the University of Bath and will be processed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

A response will be issued within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days.

Best wishes

Rebecca Warhurst
Freedom of Information Officer
University of Bath

Address: 4 West 3.10, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)1225 383225
Email: [email address]

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Freedom of Information, University of Bath

2 Attachments


Good afternoon


Please find attached response in respect of Freedom of Information Request


Best wishes


Rebecca Warhurst
Freedom of Information Officer 
University of Bath


Address:               4 West 3.10, Bath BA2 7AY, UK

Telephone:          +44 (0)1225 383225                           

Email:                   [1][email address]






Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Ceris Humphreys

Dear Rebecca Warhurst,
Thank you for responding to my request. I note that the document you have cited has the title "UNIVERSITY OF BATH MASTERPLAN 2021 Transport Statement" and appears to be a part of the University's Masterplan documents rather than its Travel Plan. The Introduction states the purpose of the document as "to consider the transport implications of the 2021 University of Bath Masterplan" (para 1.1.1), whilst the Transport Statement also refers in several places to a "travel plan", implying that is a separate document. For example in para 5.3.7 it is said "The University will continue to pro-actively operate and update its travel plan".
Please could you provide a copy of the current Travel Plan itself? Many thanks.
Yours sincerely,
Ceris Humphreys

Freedom of Information, University of Bath

Good afternoon

Thank you for your email and apologies for the confusion.

The University of Bath is currently and actively working to update its Travel Plan in line with its Net Zero goals but this is not yet finalised. The University's latest annual report covers progress and details its sector-leading 'whole institution' approach to climate change. The report may be located on the University of Bath website:

In the meantime, elements of the Travel Plan have been updated as explained in your response within the Masterplan process.

Further information on the 2019/20 Baseline Report is also published:

Best wishes

Rebecca Warhurst
Freedom of Information Officer
University of Bath

Address: 4 West 3.10, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)1225 383225
Email: [email address]

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Ceris Humphreys

Thank you for your prompt response.
The 2019/20 Report is a Baseline Report and, as in the case of the document cited in the previous response, this Report refers to a separate travel plan that is not included. See eg para 1.1.2 which asserts the University undertakes work to “monitor the effectiveness of its travel plan”, whilst paras 1.1.13 and 2.1.2 are similarly relevant.

My original request asked that, if the Travel Plan has not been updated, I be provided with a copy of the 2016 Travel Plan. The University has as recently as November 2022 publicly relied on a 2016 Travel Plan (see the University’s Transport Statement on planning application 22/04720/FUL where the existence of the Travel Plan was asserted in paras 6.21 to 6.24, including in para 6.24 a sentence that opens as follows: “Whilst the University’s Travel Plan has not been updated since 2016…..”)

Since it appears from the above and from your reply that the 2016 Travel Plan is the latest version of the University's Travel Plan I ask that, in line with my original request, I be provided with a copy of that. Many thanks.
Yours sincerely,

Ceris Humphreys

Freedom of Information, University of Bath

1 Attachment

Good afternoon

Please find a copy of the 2016 Travel Plan as requested. Please note that elements of this have been updated as previously explained.

Best wishes

Rebecca Warhurst
Freedom of Information Officer
University of Bath

Address: 4 West 3.10, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)1225 383225
Email: [email address]

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