Current spend on trees and plants
Dear Driving Standards Agency,
Can you please supply me with details on the following:
1) The current annual spend on purchasing and maintaining the trees and potted plants in all your department’s properties.
2) How many trees and potted plants your department actually has in all properties.
3) Name and job title of person responsible for purchasing and maintaining trees and plants. And, if applicable, the name of the contractor responsible for this?
4) If contracted out, when is the contract up for renewal or termination?
Yours faithfully,
Mr Tam
Driving Standards Agency
Knowledge and Information Management Team
The Axis Building
112 Upper Parliament Street
switchboard: (0115) 936 6666
direct line: (0115) 936 6785
fax: (0115) 936 6571
email: [DSA request email]
Mr Tam
by email: [FOI #49317 email]
our ref: IA/02322/10
13 October 2010
Dear Mr Tam
Thank you for your email of 13 October requesting information about our
current spend on trees and plants.
I understand that you have also sent your request to the Department for
Transport (DfT). DfT is co-ordinating the reply and will send one reply
to you, which will include information on the Executive Agencies.
If you have any queries about this email please remember to quote the
reference number.
Yours sincerely
Graham Watts
Knowledge and Information Management Team
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The response to this request was supplied with those for the rest of DfT here: