Dear University of Winchester,
Under the Freedom of Information Act I seek the following information:
1. Has the university accepted payment of tuition fees in cryptocurrency, such as but not limited to Bitcoin, Etherium, Tether etc, for each of the following calendar years 2020/2021/2022.
If so please provide the number of students who paid this way for each year and state the cryptocurrency used and its value in cryptocurrency (if possible) at time of payment.
In each case please state whether the student was an undergraduate or postgraduate, the course they were studying and if they were a UK or foreign national. In the case of foreign nationals please state which country they were from.
2. If possible in each case please state if the payments were converted to pounds immediately or held as investments.
3. For each of the following years 2020/2021/2022 has the university or any subsidiaries purchased any cryptocurrencies such as but not limited to Bitcoin, Etherium, Tether etc.
If so please state the type of cryptocurrency, the value of the cryptocurrency in cryptocurrency at time of purchase.
Please also state whether the investment is still held or if it has been sold and if so what its value was when it was sold.
4. Does the university currently have any investments in cryptocurrency, such as but not limited to Bitcoin, Etherium, Tether etc, or Non-fungible tokens.
If so please state the holdings and their purchase value.
Yours faithfully,
Neil Johnston
Dear Mr Johnston,
Thank you for your request. Our answers are below.
1. Has the university accepted payment of tuition fees in cryptocurrency, such as but not limited to Bitcoin, Etherium, Tether etc, for each of the following calendar years 2020/2021/2022.
2. If possible, in each case please state if the payments were converted to pounds immediately or held as investments.
3. For each of the following years 2020/2021/2022 has the university or any subsidiaries purchased any cryptocurrencies such as but not limited to Bitcoin, Etherium, Tether etc.
It has not.
4. Does the university currently have any investments in cryptocurrency, such as but not limited to Bitcoin, Etherium, Tether etc, or Non-fungible tokens.
It does not.
Stephen Dowell
Data Protection and Compliance Officer
University of Winchester
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