
The request was successful.

Dear DfT OLR Holdings Limited,

I'd like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for information that I believe you hold and to which I believe I am entitled.

I'm seeking the following:-

- The number of adverts placed by companies advertising crypto-currency, or crypto-currency trading, on your services during each quarter of each year since the franchise was taken into public ownership. This should include space purchased by any organisation promoting the use, purchase, or trade of crypto-currencies.

- The value of advert space bought by these companies on your services during the same period. Please apply the same criteria as for the first question.

I look forward to a response within 20 working days. Please let me know if I can adjust the request in any way in order to make it easier to comply with.

Yours faithfully,

Rob Davies

enquiries, DfT Operator Limited

Dear Mr Davies

Thank you for your FOI request dated 19 November 2021.

I can respond as follows for each of our subsidiary companies:

Question 1:

LNER - None

Northern - In relation to Northern's estate, we can find no evidence that crypto currency advertisers have purchased Northern's estate since Northern Trains commenced operating the network.

SE Trains Ltd - Since 01.04.2019, to today's date, KBH have not carried any advertising at all from companies in the Crypto-Currency, or Crypto-Currency Trading sectors.

Question 2:

LNER - £0

Northern - In relation to digital marketing the information requested is not held by Northern. In the programmatic online advertising environment, reporting by creative messaging is not possible and data about ad messaging is not collected, recorded, or held by any entity involved in the ad-buying process.

SE Trains Ltd - As no advertising space has been purchased from companies in these sectors, there has been nil value accruing to KBH from the same.


You have the right to complain within two calendar months of the date of this letter about the way in which your request for information was handled and/or about the decision not to disclose all or part of the information requested. In addition a complaint can be made that DOHL has not complied with its FOI publication scheme.

Your complaint will be acknowledged and you will be advised of a target date by which to expect a response. Initially your complaint will be re-considered by the official who dealt with your request for information. If, after careful consideration, that official decides that his/her decision was correct, your complaint will automatically be referred to a senior independent official who will conduct a further review. You will be advised of the outcome of your complaint and if a decision is taken to disclose information originally withheld this will be done as soon as possible.

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Yours faithfully

Albany House, 94-98 Petty France, London, SW1H 9EA

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