CRR public engagement responses

The request was partially successful.

Anthony Shearwood

Dear Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council,

I understand that there were only 123 responses to the public engagement exercise Trafford did last year about the Carrington Relief Road.

Please can you provide me with the information below about those responses:

How many responses from groups, how many from individuals, how many from businesses?

Are you able to say, from the responses, which area the respondee lives in (particularly relevant to the individual responses), so how many from Carrington, how many from Partington, etc.

Can I have a copy of all the questions raised (I note there is a summary in the Option Appraisal but I am aware it does not include all the questions)

Yours faithfully,

Tony Shearwood

Data Protection, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

Thank you for contacting Trafford Information Governance team. 

Please note that all Governance Services (including Legal Services,
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currently working from home.  We have a skeleton staff attending the
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times please note our response times to correspondences may increase as we
continue to support the most vulnerable in society and our frontline

If you have access to the Internet you may wish to see if your enquiry can
be dealt with online at [1]  The council's website
enables many forms to be completed and payments to be made online, as well
as providing comprehensive information.

Kind regards

Information Governance Team.


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Data Protection, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

Thank you for your email.

Your enquiry has been given the reference number 11637. Please quote this in all future correspondence with regard to this enquiry.

We aim to respond fully to all emails from the public as soon as possible, where they are seeking a response.

If you are requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act or environmental Information Regulations, there is a 20 working day statutory timescale within which to provide the information requested, subject to any exemptions which may apply. The 20 working day timescale will start on the first working day following receipt of your email.

If you have access to the Internet you may wish to see if your enquiry can be dealt with online at The council's website enables many forms to be completed and payments to be made online, as well as providing comprehensive information.

Thank you
Trafford Council

show quoted sections

Anthony Shearwood

Dear Data Protection,

With reference to my request (11637)

It has been considerably longer than the 20 working days suggested for an expected response to my enquiry.
As the response is long overdue, by law, under all circumstances, the authority should have responded by now.

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Shearwood

Data Protection, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

Dear Mr Sherwood,



We apologise for the delay in responding to your request.  The information
you are requesting is held by The Council’s technical consultant who are
currently attempting to retrieve this information from their files.  This
process is taking longer than anticipated due to technical reasons but we
aim to provide you with the information as soon as possible.



Kind Regards,


Information Governance

Legal Services | Trafford Council | Trafford Town Hall | Talbot Road |
Stretford | M32 0TH

Email: [1][Trafford Council request email]


Please note that Governance Services (including Legal Services,
Information Governance Services and Governance Services) staff may
currently be working from home.  We have some staff attending the office
on a weekly basis.  Wherever possible, please avoid posting documents to
us and use electronic communication instead.  We do not currently accept
service of any documents by DX or FAX


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Anthony Shearwood

Dear Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'CRR public engagement responses'.

I requested this information on the 11th of March 2022, yet I still have not received any information from Trafford Borough Council. Clearly as a Council Tax payer to Trafford, I expect to receive the information requested without further day.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Anthony Shearwood

Data Protection, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

Thank you for contacting Trafford Information Governance Team; please treat this automatic email reply as confirmation that we have received your enquiry and will respond to you accordingly.

If you have access to the Internet you may wish to see if your enquiry can be dealt with online at [1]  The council's website enables many forms to be completed and payments to be made online, as well as providing comprehensive information.


Kind regards

Information Governance Team

Trafford Council

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Visible links

Data Protection, Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Shearwood

Thank you for your email of the 11 March 2023  where you requested information about CRR public engagement responses.

The information you requested is enclosed. I apologise for the delay in providing this information.

Please note that personal data is exempt from disclosure under regulation 12(3) of the Environmental Information Regulations and has therefore been redacted on the attached document. This exception allows the withholding of personal data if the data protection principles under Article 5 of UK GDPR would be breached by its disclosure. Article 5(1)(a) requires that personal data shall be ‘processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner in relation to individuals’. Although your request evidences a legitimate interest in requesting the data, this request cannot be fulfilled without a risk of prejudice to the individual’s rights and freedoms, in particular their right to privacy and hence the exception is engaged.

If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to: Information Governance Manager, Trafford Council, Town Hall, Talbot Road StretfordM33 0TH or via email to [Trafford Council request email]  

Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

The supply of information in response to a freedom of information request does not confer an automatic right to re-use the information.  Under UK copyright law you can use any information supplied for the purposes of private study and non-commercial research without requiring permission.  Similarly, information supplied can also be re-used for the purposes of news reporting. An exception to this is photographs.
For other forms of re-use, for example publishing the information, you would need the permission of the organisation or person who owns the copyright.  In the case of information produced by government departments and agencies you can re-use the information under the Open Government Licence.  For information about this please see
If, however, the copyright is identified as belonging to somebody else, you will need to apply for permission.  For information about how to obtain permission from a third party, please go to Intellectual Property Office’s website at

Yours sincerely,

Information Governance
Legal Services | Trafford Council | Trafford Town Hall | Talbot Road | Stretford | M32 0TH
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

Anthony Shearwood

Dear Data Protection,

Thank you for the initial response.

However, I also requested some statistical information - eg:

. How many responses from groups, individuals, businesses?
. How many responses from each of the local areas (Ashton on Mersey, Carrington, Partington, Sale West, etc)?
Also, I note that there are three responses highlighted in yellow for which no summary appears:

"Letter response provided and is saved in folder" - please add detail to this tracker.

"Please find Natural England’s response letter attached and some supporting information in the attached document (Annex B)." Annex B referred to in the response letter, two documents provided - please add detail to this tracker .

Can I please ask for a summary of each of these responses, or a redacted copy?

Yours sincerely,

Anthony Shearwood