CRR Information re Costs and Consultants
Dear Trafford Metropolitan Borough Council,
Please can you provide me with the following information in relation to the Carrington Relief Road:
- Costs to date for the scheme, broken down by sources of funding to meet those costs
- Costs (past spend, committed expenditure and expected future spend) of the Communications Consultants (Cooper) and the Terms of Reference for the work they are doing in relation to the CRR, together with the source(s) of funding for their work
- Cost of branding and creation of a logo (past spend, committed expenditure and expected future spend) for the CRR scheme
- A copy of the project documentation relating to communications and stakeholder management for the scheme.
In addition, Trafford's website ( states:
To provide easier and safer journeys, Carrington Relief Road will provide:
-a new convenient route (Option F) to encourage HGVs to divert away from the congested A6144
-deliver improvements to make travelling by bus easier and safer
-provide new routes to enjoy when travelling by foot, bike and horse.
Please provide the costings (and sources of funding) for all these requirements and a map showing where all the "new routes to enjoy when travelling by foot, bike and horse" will be located.
Yours faithfully,
Marj Powner
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Information Governance Team
Trafford Council
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Thank you
Trafford Council
Dear Marj
Further to your recent request, please find our response as set out below
Q: Please can you provide me with the following information in
relation to the Carrington Relief Road:
- Costs to date for the scheme, broken down by sources of funding to meet
those costs
A: As of January 2023, the cost of the scheme to date is
approximately £2,168,000
Funding received or approved to meet these costs:
Brownfield Fund
Evergreen Fund
Homes England Housing Infrastructure Fund £1,000,000
Growth Deal 3
Q: Costs (past spend, committed expenditure and expected future
spend) of the Communications Consultants (Cooper) and the Terms of
Reference for the work they are doing in relation to the CRR, together
with the source(s) of funding for their work
A: The Council has spent approximately £47,500 to date on advice
from the Communications Consultant. Their terms of reference were to
advise The Council on methodologies for public engagement and
consultation. Their recommendations were reported to the Scrutiny
Committee of 21^st September 2022, please see this link:
At the present time, there is no instruction for further work to be
undertaken by Copper Consultants. The project programme is currently
being reviewed and once that exercise is complete, The Council may
negotiate a commission for further public engagement work. It is
therefore not possible to provide a figure for expected spend.
Q: Cost of branding and creation of a logo (past spend, committed
expenditure and expected future spend) for the CRR scheme
A: Within work carried out to date, approximately £5000 of the
fees were associated with the requirement for generally reviewing the
strategic messaging to better reflect its overall objectives.
Q: A copy of the project documentation relating to communications
and stakeholder management for the scheme.
A: There is no finalised approved report available, however,
please refer to the record of the Scrutiny Committee meeting highlighted
above, which sets out the key elements of the recommended approach.
Q: In addition, Trafford's website
states: To provide easier and safer journeys, Carrington Relief Road will
provide:-a new convenient route (Option F) to encourage HGVs to divert
away from the congested A6144 -deliver improvements to make travelling by
bus easier and safer -provide new routes to enjoy when travelling by foot,
bike and horse.Please provide the costings (and sources of funding) for
all these requirements and a map showing where all the "new routes to
enjoy when travelling by foot, bike and horse" will be located.
A: The details requested are still in development but will be
published in due course at the appropriate stage in the public engagement
process during 2023.
I hope that is of assistance – should you require anything further please
get in touch
Kind regards
Adrian Fisher
Director of Growth & Regulatory Services
Trafford Council
First Floor | Trafford Town Hall |Talbot Road | Stretford | M32 0TH
T: 0161 912 4621 M: 07717 865 726
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