Croydon libraries consultation - Phase 1 - data and responses (2021)

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Croydon Borough Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Croydon Borough Council,

Please provide the full consultation responses and data from the Croydon Libraries consultation, Phase 1, ending 14 March 2021. This information informed the report, now published, to be considered by Croydon Council's Scrutiny and Overview Committee on 30 March, 2021.

I trust it can be provided quickly and easily. This is needed in order to properly inform residents, council officers and councillors prior to decisions being taken to limit options in Phase 2.

Please ensure to include the text of all the individual comments received, in whatever form (inc. consultation/email/comments recorded by phone, made in all meetings relating to the consultation), as well as the overall statistics on each question. If it is possible to provide both numbers and percentages, that would be helpful, particularly in light of the discrepancies already noted in stats presented in this phase of the consultation process.

Given the extremely quick turn around of this report to Scrutiny and its lack of any real detail, it is vital that Croydon Council makes the requested information available as soon as possible to inform all interested parties and to provide assurance to all concerned that the consultation responses have been considered fully.

I look forward to receiving the full information shortly.

Yours faithfully,

Elizabeth Ash

Croydon Council,

FOI/EIR request
Our reference: 3368661

show quoted sections

Croydon Council,

4 Attachments

FOI/EIR request
Our reference: 3368661

show quoted sections

Dear Croydon Council,
Thank you but you have provided the data with the free text sections in a raw unanalysed form. I was seeking the full analysis of all the data that informed the report. Everyone contributing to the consultation would expect that the information they provided would have been analysed and considered.

Please can you confirm whether what you have provided to me is the full extent of the analysis of the data or whether the free text sections were categorised, analyzed and totalled? If this analysis has been done, please would you provide this?

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Ash