Crime statistics for Leeds Festival

The request was successful.

Jonathan Bourne

Dear West Yorkshire Police,

I would like to have a breakdown of all reported crimes at Leeds festival for the last 5 years.
Please provide the data in a csv or excel file.
If 5 years is not available please give me the most recent years that are.

Yours faithfully,

Jonathan Bourne

Freedom of Information, West Yorkshire Police


Dear Mr Bourne,


Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information Request, Please see the
link below of a previous response which relates to your request.






Please advise whether this will be suitable for your needs?


Kind Regards,


Camilla Hall

Force Disclosure Unit

PO Box 9

Laburnum Road




Tel: 01924 296249


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Visible links

Jonathan Bourne

Dear Mrs Hall,

Thank you for your quick response, that data is very interesting however what I am asking for is the data of foi 1528-17, for the last 5 years. Just to clarify I am also asking for a data set and therfore in reusable form e.g a csv or an excel file.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Bourne

Freedom of Information, West Yorkshire Police


Dear Mr Bourne,


Thank you for your correspondence received by my office on the 13/07/2017.


You have requested the following information under the terms of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000:


I would like to have a breakdown of all reported crimes at Leeds festival
for the last 5 years.

Please provide the data in a csv or excel file.

If 5 years is not available please give me the most recent years that are.


**Directed to previous response (1528/17) which answers the Q for 2016.**


Your request will now be considered and you will receive a response within
the statutory timescale as defined by the Act, subject to the information
not being exempt. In some circumstances West Yorkshire Police may be
unable to achieve this deadline. If this is likely you will be informed at
the earliest opportunity. If you no longer require the information, please
inform us at your earliest convenience.


Kind Regards,


Camilla Hall

Force Disclosure Unit

PO Box 9

Laburnum Road




Tel: 01924 296249


Read about the West Yorkshire Police Positive Action Recruitment Campaign - click to find out more:

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Freedom of Information, West Yorkshire Police

1 Attachment


Dear Mr Bourne,


Please see the attached document in relation to your request.


Kind Regards,


Jack Bicknell

Disclosure Officer


West Yorkshire Police

Disclosure Unit

PO Box 9

Laburnum Road




Read about the West Yorkshire Police Positive Action Recruitment Campaign - click to find out more:

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Dear Freedom of Information,
Thank you for your response. Sometimes delays happen, I am not working on a deadline so no problem. However I specifically requested the data in dataset form aka csv or excel file. Please send the data in one of those two formats.

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan Bourne

Freedom of Information, West Yorkshire Police

1 Attachment


Good afternoon Mr Bourne,

Please find attached a copy of the figures saved as an Excel file.

Kind Regards,

Jack Bicknell
Disclosure Officer

Dear Freedom of Information,

Thank you

Best Regards

Jonathan Bourne