CRB / DBS checks on staff.
Dear Abbey Hill Academy, Stockton-On-Tees,
Following an incident several years back where one of your male members of staff had inappropriate sexual relations with a vulnerable 17/18 year male old outside school hours, I would like to know what changes, if any, you carry out on your CRB / DBS checks on staff working with special needs children and vulnerable adults?
How often do you check CRB / DBS for the staff?
How often did you check CRB / DBS for the staff before this incident?
Do you offer advice to members of staff against working with pupils outside school, such as direct payment workers?
Do you offer safeguarding advice to parents of pupils seeking to find a direct payment worker from the school?
Yours faithfully,
Peter Smith
Dear Abbey Hill Academy, Stockton-On-Tees,
I haven't received a reply to this request yet, and I should have received it by today at the latest. I trust this is an oversight?
Yours faithfully,
Peter Smith
Dear Peter
My apologies I don't believe I have seen this. I fear that I have deleted the original email as I thought it was the same as the last request and not realised it was a different request. Can you email me the question directly again please and I'll do it today for you?
Many thank
Dear Sharon,
That's not a problem. Here is the original request I made. Just for your information, you can view this request online at
As it's been an oversight, you don't have to rush it through fast, I don't mind if it take a couple of weeks.
Thank you.
Peter Smith
Dear Abbey Hill Academy, Stockton-On-Tees,
Following an incident several years back where one of your male members of staff had inappropriate sexual relations with a vulnerable 17/18 year male old outside school hours, I would like to know what changes, if any, you carry out on your CRB / DBS checks on staff working with special needs children and vulnerable adults?
How often do you check CRB / DBS for the staff?
How often did you check CRB / DBS for the staff before this incident?
Do you offer advice to members of staff against working with pupils outside school, such as direct payment workers?
Do you offer safeguarding advice to parents of pupils seeking to find a direct payment worker from the school?
Yours faithfully,
Peter Smith
Yours sincerely,
Peter Smith
Dear Peter
Please find attached our official response with a reference and I will get back to you as soon as I have information
Dear Peter
I need more information from you to be able to comply with your request. Could you provide a point in time to allow me to check my records from then onwards, rather than your current reference to an incident.
Sharon McHale
Dear Sharon,
When the incident happened, the victim was 17/18, and he's now 24. So we're looking at 6/7 years ago.
Obviously the perpetrator was dismissed after the event, but the event wasn't reported immediately. When was the perpetrator dismissed? I'm thinking 2011?
I'm just a little concerned that you can't work this out from the incident, or has there been more incidents than I'm aware of?
Yours sincerely,
Peter Smith
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