Covid inquests
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I would like to request information about inquests into Covid-related deaths under the Freedom of Information Act.
Could you release to me:
1. The number of Covid-related deaths referred to the coroner for investigation since the start of the pandemic.
2. The number of these that have been completed and the number pending.
3. The names of the Covid deceased referred to the coroner, place and date of death and the verdicts in cases where inquest is complete.
4. Any written coroner's reports on completed cases.
5. Any correspondence sent by the coroner to the Ministry of Justice and/or chief coroner relating to how the caseload is being handled, including estimates of timescales for clearing any backlog and policies about what contributing factors in deaths should and shouldn't be considered - eg. provision of PPE, source of infection in a care home etc.
Yours faithfully,
Robert Booth
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