Covid-19 Road and Traffic Changes

The request was partially successful.

Dear Leeds City Council,

Please provide:

Documents and guidance from the Department for Transport encouraging the use of pedal cycles and other forms of transport during the Covid-19 pandemic

Emergency TROs introduced since March 2020

Design documents, risk assessments and other technical and safety information for traffic measures such as pop-up cycle lanes, wand orcas and temporary traffic segregators that have been introduced during the pandemic

The location and number of wand orcas and other temporary traffic segregators that have been replaced due to damage since March 2020

Details of any accidents caused by vehicles (including pedal cycles) by striking these items

The criteria used to decide whether these temporary measures will be removed or made permanent

Yours faithfully,

Marcus Houlden

DPFOI, Leeds City Council

Thank you for contacting the Leeds City Council Information Management &
Governance Requests team. We confirm that we have received your

Unfortunately at the current time it is unlikely we will be unable to
provide a response to your request within either statutory or
usual timescales due to the impact of Coronavirus, COVID-19. I am sorry
for any inconvenience this may cause. We will endeavour to supply you with
the information you have requested as soon as we are able to.

If you have submitted a Freedom of Information or Environmental
Information Regulation request- we will respond to your request in
accordance with the appropriate legislation within 20 working days. While
you wait, you may wish to check information published by the Council on
the [1]Data Mill North to see if the information you have requested is
already available.
If you have submitted an access to information request or other
information rights request- we will respond to your request in accordance
with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. Please note in order to
process your request, we require confirmation of your identity via a
copy of one of the following forms:

o Driving Licence
o Passport
o Birth Certificate
o Council Tax bill
o Utility bill 

If we require further information from you before we are able to process
your request we will contact you directly to request this.  If you would
like more information on how Leeds City Council process these types of
requests, information is available on our [2]website


If you are a healthcare or social work professional, or a member of the
police force making a request for disclosure of information for the
purpose of safeguarding or the prevention, investigation, detection or
prosecution of criminal offences – we will respond to your request as soon
as possible.


For all other queries – we will look into your request and respond as


For information about what we do with personal data please see our
[3]privacy notice.
Yours sincerely
Information Management & Governance – Requests Team



show quoted sections

Become a foster carer in Leeds and change a child’s life forever
Leeds City Council urgently need foster carers to look after children and
young people in Leeds. If you think you have what it takes, visit
[5]Foster4Leeds or give us a call on 0113 378 3538. Our friendly fostering
advisers are waiting to hear from you.


The information in this email (and any attachment) may be for the intended
recipient only. If you know you are not the intended recipient, please do
not use or disclose the information in any way and please delete this
email (and any attachment) from your system.

The Council does not accept service of legal documents by e-mail.

Legal notice: Leeds City Council contracts on the basis of a formal
letter, contract or order form. An e-mail from Leeds City Council will not
create a contract unless it clearly and expressly states otherwise. For
further information please refer to:




Visible links
5. file:///tmp/

IMG.Requests, Leeds City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Marcus Houlden


Environmental Information Request (Ref: 296722)


In dealing with your request, please note that we have considered it under
the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, as opposed to under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.


This is because the information you have requested is information
involving ‘activities’ and ‘administrative measures’ which are likely to
affect elements of the environment under Reg 2(1)(c).  I am advised that
both the domestic and European courts give wide meaning to the Regulations
and have indicated that they will adopt a broad construction of the
definition of environmental information.


I refer to the above and your request dated 22/07/2020. I have contacted
the relevant services and now provide a response to your request.


As I am sure you will appreciate officers are facing much increased
workloads and working towards very stringent Government funding deadlines
due to this we are still collating some of the information you have
requested, we will ensure this is sent to you as soon as possible.


In the first instance please see the information relating to the
information requested.


Your request for documents and guidance from the Department for Transport
encouraging the use of pedal cycles and other forms of transport during
the Covid-19 pandemic, this information is publically available on the
Department for Transports [1]website.


Emergency TROs introduced since March 2020, Please see attached document.


There have been no reported accidents to Leeds City Council Highways and
Transportation caused by vehicles of all types, by striking the wand orcas
or the protection barriers installed to allow for social distancing in the


There have been no wand orcas and other temporary traffic segregators that
have been replaced due to damage since March 2020


Design documents, risk assessments; the wand orca scheme on the A65 is a
trial scheme and as such is been tweaked to enable the scheme to work
effectively, this means that we are currently working with users, local
business owners and residents to adjust the scheme appropriately to
improve access for businesses and properties along with making
improvements for disabled users. Until this work is complete we are not in
a position to issue a completed drawing or risk assessment for the scheme.


Other technical and safety information for traffic measures such as pop-up
cycle lanes, Wand Orcas introduced during the pandemic; Leeds City Council
have only delivered the A65 scheme mentioned above at this time, the
technical specifications for these can be found [2]HERE


Temporary traffic segregators introduced during the pandemic the technical
specifications for these can be found [4]HERE

- and [6]HERE


The criteria used to decide whether these temporary measures will be
removed or made permanent.


The criteria is dependent on the scheme, some schemes are only provided as
temporary and as restrictions ease will be removed.  Where schemes are
successful and have provided betterment for users, have support locally
and are not causing detriment, then Leeds City Council may look to provide
a permanent solution.


In the case of the A65 scheme this will be monitored throughout the trial
and engagement will continue.


Consultation for this scheme can be found using the following link



I trust that this response is satisfactory. Under Regulation 11, however,
you are entitled to make representations to us if it appears that we have
failed to comply with a requirement of the Regulations in relation to your
request. Representations must be made to us no later than 40 working days
after the date you believe we failed to comply with such a requirement.


We will then consider your representations and supporting evidence and
decide if we have complied, notifying you of our decision as soon as
possible, and no later than 40 working days after the date of receipt of
your representations.


Under Regulation 18, you are then entitled to apply to the Information
Commissioner for a decision as to whether, in any specified respect, your
request has not been dealt with in accordance with parts 2 and 3 of the


Should you wish to contact the Commissioner’s Office then you can contact
the Commissioner via her website at [9]


I trust that this is self-explanatory.  If you have any queries please
contact me on 0113 3784251, or by return email.


Lisa Henderson

Requests Team

Information Management & Governance

Digital & Information Service

Leeds City Council 


show quoted sections

The information in this email (and any attachment) may be for the intended
recipient only. If you know you are not the intended recipient, please do
not use or disclose the information in any way and please delete this
email (and any attachment) from your system.

The Council does not accept service of legal documents by e-mail.

Legal notice: Leeds City Council contracts on the basis of a formal
letter, contract or order form. An e-mail from Leeds City Council will not
create a contract unless it clearly and expressly states otherwise. For
further information please refer to:




Visible links
8. https://leedscovidcyclingstreets.commonp...