COVID-19 deaths by occupation 2020-2022
Dear National Records of Scotland,
Can you list all the occupations which had ZERO deaths involving COVID-19 from 2020-2022 seperated by year ?
Yours faithfully,
Mr Jonathan Black
Dear Jonathan Black
Thank you for your request dated 29 July 2023 under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) requesting COVID Death Statistics.
We received your request on 31 July 2023 and will respond in accordance with FOISA by 29 August 2023.
If you have any queries, please contact the NRS FOI Team quoting case number FOI/202300368960.
31 July 2023
Dear Jonathan Black,
Please find attached the response from National Records of Scotland to
your recent Freedom of Information request.
23 August 2023
Dear National Records of Scotland,
I am unable to open the ONS link.
Is there another way you can provide this data ?
Yours faithfully,
Jonathan Black
Dear Jonathan Black,
Thank you for your correspondence of 23 August 2023. Please find attached
a copy of the file from the ONS website which is available at the link in
our response:
24 August 2023
Dear National Records of Scotland,
Thank you for the link.
However i do not believe it is reasonable for me to fuifll my own request amogst this very long list of data. It would be an extreme undertaking for a non expert like myself.
'reasonable' meaning- '' not extreme or excessive''
Can you help in any other way in providing the answer to my request ?
Yours faithfully,
Jonathan Black
Dear Jonathan Black
Thank you for your request dated 24 August 2023 under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FOISA) asking us to review the reponse to your request 202300368960.
We received your request on 24 August 2023 and will respond in accordance with FOISA by 21 September 2023.
If you have any queries, please contact the NRS FOI Team quoting case number FOI/202300372998.
24 August 2023
Dear Jonathan Black,
Please find attached the response from National Records of Scotland to
your recent Freedom of Information review request.
29 August 2023
Dear National Records of Scotland,
I am unable to open the link provided to ONS.
Can the data be supplied in another format ?
Yours faithfully,
Jonathan Black
Dear Jonathan Black,
Thank you for your correspondence of 29 August 2023. A copy of the file from the ONS website, provided to you on 24 August 2023, is again attached. It is also available from the ONS website, the link to which was provided in our response of 23 August 2023 to your request 202300368960:
30 August 2023
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