Covenant on land in Chelmsford Square, London NW10 3AR

The request was successful.

Dear All Souls College, Oxford,
I am contacting you as Chair of Chelmsford Square Residents' Association. I seek information similar to that requested by Marilyn Naden in August 2019 and for identical reasons. It concerns specifically the land All Soul's College owns in Chelmsford Square London NW10.
The local residents work closely with Brent Council, whom we understand are Leaseholders of the land, to maintain its integrity and that of the tennis courts and quiet garden in the centre of the Square.

Please provide copies of the:
1. Covenant that exists between All Soul's and Brent Council for the land in the centre of the Square, what the land is to be used for, and any limitations on changes to usage
2. Leaseholder agreement with Brent Council outlining the Council's responsibilities for upkeep and maintenance
3. Any agreement detailing when the Lease expires and what happens then.

I believe the Covenant may also cover the adjoining Phillimore Gardens green space. Please send any documentation related to this, as the RA may extend to that land too.

It will be appreciated if you can send the information before 7 October 2022, as the AGM is due to take place soon after that date.

Yours faithfully,
Lionel Bender

All Souls College Bursary, All Souls College, Oxford

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Bender,


Thank you for your request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
via the whatdotheyknow website for information about Chelmsford Square
London NW10.


We have been searching for information within the scope of the request
(including information held by third parties for the College’s purposes)
and this is taking a little longer than we first imagined. 


I apologise for the slight delay in getting back to you and will be back
in touch as soon as the process of locating the information we hold in
relation to this request has been completed. 


Thank you for your patience.


Kind regards


Rima Dapous



Dr Rima Dapous

Fellow / Domestic Bursar

All Souls College

Oxford, OX1 4AL


Telephone: +44(0)1865-279332 (Internal -79332)

E-mail: [1][email address]


All Souls College is a registered charity – number 1138057


[2]All Souls College Oxford |




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Dear All Souls College Bursary,
I am chasing up my request for the Covenant and Lease on land in Chelmsford Square London NW10. I understand you should have sent the information by 6 October 2022. Please send shortly.

Yours sincerely,

Lionel Bender

Rima Dapous, All Souls College, Oxford

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Bender

I attach a copy of the lease related to the land at Chelmsford Square
where the College remains the freeholder. As you know, Brent Council are
now the leaseholder. Having searched the archives, we are not aware of any
other documents related to this land holding. There are no agreements
regarding what happens at the end of the lease.

With kind regards

David Renton
Fellow and Estates Bursar
All Souls College


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Dear Rima Dapous,
Thank you and David Renton for sending the document(s) requested.

Yours sincerely,

Lionel Bender