Court summonses for council tax arrears
Dear Sir or Madam,
I request details of how many people were summoned to attend court for arrears in council tax payments to Carlisle City Council for the periods
01/04/2004 to 31/03/2005
01/04/2005 to 31/03/2006
01/04/2006 to 31/03/2007
01/04/2007 to 31/03/2008
01/04/2008 to 31/03/2009
Yours faithfully,
Stephen Gash
Thank you for your email, any action required will be taken as soon as
Please note that this email is an automated confirmation so do not reply
to it.
If you wish to contact us again please use
[Carlisle City Council request email]
Carlisle City Council
Customer Services
Tel: 01228 817200
Fax: 01228 817213
Dear Mr Gash
Please find attached acknowledgement of your Freedom of Information Act request.
Thank you
Clare Furlong
Clare Furlong
Policy and Performance Team
Carlisle City Council
Civic Centre
Telephone 01228 817165
e-mail [email address]
Dear Mr Gash
Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information Act request.
Thank you
Clare Furlong
Clare Furlong
Policy and Performance Team
Carlisle City Council
Civic Centre
Telephone 01228 817165
e-mail [1][email address]
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