Course deferral statistics
Dear University of Warwick,
I would be grateful if you could provide statistics for the following categories, please, in reference to the History BA course.
(1) The percentage of requests for deferred entry, after a non-deferred place has already been gained, sent before August that are successful.
(2) The percentage of requests for deferred entry, after a non-deferred place has already been gained, sent during August or September that are successful.
Both percentages are out of the total requests received for deferred entry after a non-deferred place has already been gained. The most recent statistics would be preferable, please.
Yours faithfully,
Cecelia Knight
Thank you for your email which has been received by the University's
Information and Data Compliance Team.
The University undertakes to respond to Freedom of Information requests
within 20 working days and to Subject Access Requests within 40 calendar
Information and Data Compliance Team.
Dear University of Warwick,
The response to my request has been delayed. I would be grateful if you would provide a timescale for when it will be fulfilled? Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Cecelia Knight
Dear Ms Knight,
Thank you for your email dated 30^th March 2018 requesting information
about the University of Warwick. Your request is being considered under
the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please find below your request and
our response.
I would be grateful if you could provide statistics for the following
categories, please, in reference to the History BA course.
(1) The percentage of requests for deferred entry, after a non-deferred
place has already been gained, sent before August that are successful.
(2) The percentage of requests for deferred entry, after a non-deferred
place has already been gained, sent during August or September that are
Both percentages are out of the total requests received for deferred entry
after a non-deferred place has already been gained. The most recent
statistics would be preferable, please.
Section 1(1) (a) Freedom of Information Act imposes a duty on public
authorities to inform the requester whether or not the information
requested is held by the authority. The University can confirm that it
holds no information in relation to your request as the University does
not retain data on requests for deferred entry. These requests are
submitted to the University via email and are not captured, stored or
logged on any systems.
I trust that this information will be helpful to you. Should you require
any clarification, please contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Ian Rowley
Ian Rowley | Director of Development, Comms & External Affairs| External
University House | University of Warwick | Coventry | CV4 8UW
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