Councillors Register Of Interests - Missing Information

The request was refused by Swindon Borough Council.

Dear Swindon Borough Council,

I note that the Register of Interests entry for Swindon Borough Councillor Dave Wood (Eastcott Ward) does not record details of land in the area of the authority in which he has a beneficial interest.

The on-line register of interests document available at states that this information is available at the Civic Offices, Euclid Street, Swindon SN1 2JH.

Question 1: Please supply the address and other relevant details of any land and properties in the area of the authority in which Cllr Dave Wood has a beneficial interest.

I note that a register of interests entry for Cllr Nicky Sewell is not available online at

Question 2: Please supply the address and other relevant details of any land and properties in the area of the authority in which Cllr Nicky Sewell has a beneficial interest.

Question 3: On the current electoral role for the Borough of Swindon, at what address or addresses are Nicky Sewell and Dave Wood registered to vote?

Yours faithfully,

Geoff Reid

Customer Services, Swindon Borough Council

Thank you for your email which has been forwarded to the FOI office for response.

Kind regards

Customer Services
Swindon Borough Council
Wat Tyler House
Swindon SN1 2JG
Phone: 01793 445500

E-mail: [Swindon Borough Council request email]

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Sharon Druett, Swindon Borough Council

Dear Mr Reid ,

Ref FOI101000275961 Freedom of Information Request

Thank you for your attached request received in our office on 12 May 2011

Under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Council has a duty to respond 'promptly' or no later than 20 working days, which in this case is 10 June 2011.

If you have any queries about this letter please contact me as detailed, quoting the above reference number.

Yours sincerely,

Sharon Druett

Sharon Druett ([email address])
Freedom of Information Officer
Law and Democratic Services
Swindon Borough Council
Tel: 01793 463377
Fax: 01793 463405

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Sharon Druett, Swindon Borough Council

Dear Mr Reid

Ref: FOI101000275961 Freedom of Information Request

Thank you for your attached email received in our office on 12 May 2011.
The Council has a duty to respond 'promptly' to your request or no later than 20 working days which in this case is 10 June 2011.
If the information is subject to exemption provisions within the Act, we must provide the information within such time as is reasonable in all circumstances of the case. We will need more time to consider the arguments and anticipate it will take a further 7 days before we reach a conclusion which in this case is 21 June 2011. In the meantime, I enclose for your attention, the following information.

Question 1: Please supply the address and other relevant details of any land and properties in the area of the authority in which Cllr
Dave Wood has a beneficial interest.


The information is freely available for inspection at the Civic offices Euclid Street Swindon between 8.30 am to 5.00 pm as referred to on the Council's website. We are aware that you have requested the information in an electronic format and we are considering if it is reasonable to only make this information available through the inspection process. We are currently considering the information under Section 40 (2) Third Party personal information and Section 21 Information available via another source.

Question 2: Please supply the address and other relevant details of any land and properties in the area of the authority in which Cllr Nicky Sewell has a beneficial interest.


The information is freely available for inspection at the Civic offices Euclid Street Swindon between 8.30 am to 5.00 pm as referred to on the Council's website. We are aware that you have requested the information in an electronic format and we are considering if it is reasonable to only make this information available through the inspection process. We are currently considering the information under Section 40 (2) Third Party personal information and Section 21 Information available via another source.

Question 3: On the current electoral role for the Borough of Swindon, at what address or addresses are Nicky Sewell and Dave Wood registered to vote?


The full register is available for public inspection and provided in a prescribed format that requires anyone checking the register to only search by property and not name. Therefore using the same principle it would not be appropriate for us to provide address using a search by person. The regulations are applied in this way to protect the individuals on the register.

If you are dissatisfied with the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint or request a review, you should contact:

Customer Services
Civic Offices
Euclid Street
Website: www.[Swindon Borough Council request email]

The complaints/review procedure involves a full review and an examination of all the information by the Council's Monitoring Officer.

If you are not content with the outcome of our conclusion, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner's Office for a decision, before contacting the Council. Generally, the ICON cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the Council's own complaints procedure.

The Information Officer can be contacted at:

The Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Email: [email address]
Tel: 01625 545700 (ask for Freedom of Information)

If you require any further information concerning this matter, please contact me as detailed, quoting the above reference number in any future communications.

Yours sincerely

Sharon Druett

Sharon Druett ([email address])
Freedom of Information Officer
Law and Democratic Services
Swindon Borough Council
Tel: 01793 463377
Fax: 01793 463405

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Sharon Druett, Swindon Borough Council

Dear Mr Reid,

FOI101000275961 Freedom of Information Request
Councillors Register Of Interests - Missing Information

Further to the attached email, we will need more time before we can come to a conclusion concerning your request.
We will endeavour to send a full response no later than 1 July 2011.

If you require any further information concerning this matter, please contact me as detailed, quoting the above reference number in any future communications.

Yours sincerely,

Sharon Druett

Sharon Druett ([email address])
Freedom of Information Officer
Law and Democratic Services
Swindon Borough Council
Tel: 01793 463377
Fax: 01793 463405

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Sharon Druett, Swindon Borough Council

Dear Mr Reid,

FOI101000275961 Freedom of Information Request Councillors Register Of Interests - Missing Information

We have considered if we should make the information available to you in the format requested i.e. electronically.
The exemption that we consider applies in this case is Section 21 Information accessible to the applicant by other means.

We consider it is 'reasonable' in this case, to make the information available on inspection as we have a statutory duty to do so but we do not have a duty to make it available electronically. Therefore we consider the information is automatically,' reasonably accessible' and the exemption applies in this case to the information that you have requested.

If you are dissatisfied with the service you have received in relation to your request and wish to make a complaint or request a review, you should contact:

Customer Services
Civic Offices
Euclid Street
Website: www.[Swindon Borough Council request email]

The complaints/review procedure involves a full review and an examination of all the information by the Council's Monitoring Officer.

If you are not content with the outcome of our conclusion, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner's Office for a decision, before contacting the Council. Generally, the ICON cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the Council's own complaints procedure.

The Information Officer can be contacted at:

The Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Email: [email address]
Tel: 01625 545700 (ask for Freedom of Information)

If you require any further information concerning this matter, please contact me as detailed, quoting the above reference number in any future communications.

Yours sincerely

Sharon Druett

Sharon Druett ([email address])
Freedom of Information Officer
Law and Democratic Services
Swindon Borough Council
Tel: 01793 463377
Fax: 01793 463405

Please consider the environment before printing this email.

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