Councillor attendance at committee and council meetings - 2016 and 2017

The request was successful.

Dear Eastbourne Borough Council,

Please can you let me know:

1. How many committee meetings did each councillor attend out of a total possible during 2016 and 2017?

2. How many council meetings did each councillor attend out of a total possible number of attendances in 2016 and 2017?

If possible can the years be separated?

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Liz Bowen

Access to Information,

Thank you for your information request received today.


I am currently reviewing your request and investigating whether there is
any information available for disclosure.  The council, in accordance with
Section 10 of the Freedom of Information Act (2000), will reply to your
request promptly and in any event not later than the twentieth working day
following the date of receipt.


Please contact me again if you require any assistance with your request
and I will do my best to provide the relevant help and advice.


Kind Regards



Information Governance Officer

Lewes District Council and Eastbourne Borough Council



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Access to Information, Eastbourne Borough Council

Dear Ms Bowen,


Re: Information Request: EFOI 6337


Thank you for your information request dated 21^st February 2018 received
in our office on the same day.


1. How many committee meetings did each councillor attend out of a total
possible during 2016 and 2017?


2. How many council meetings did each councillor attend out of a total
possible number of attendances in 2016 and 2017?


I have carefully considered your request and investigated whether there is
any additional information available that is not already publicly


I have determined that the information you have requested is already
publicly available, and therefore under the Freedom of Information Act
(2000), Section 21 (information accessible to applicant by other means)
this information is exempt from requiring further action in order to make
it accessible to you and the general public.


The above exemption specifies that where information is already reasonably
accessible to the applicant there is no duty for the local authority to
provide any additional copy of the material. This may include information
for which a charge applies.


This exemption also requires the local authority to inform you where this
information is available from and how to access it. The details of how to
obtain it are provided below:


Committee attendance can be found at


This can be filtered by date range and committee. Each committee clearly
states how many meetings there were between the time selected and how many
were attended by that councillor.


It can also be found by two other options


·         Clicking on the relevant committee at
[2] > selecting
“More information about…” and then “View attendance statistics”


·         Clicking on the relevant councillor at
> selecting “Attendance record”.


All applicants have a 'right of appeal'.  An appeal should be focused on
the original request and should identify how the Council’s response failed
to answer your Information Request.  Appeals must be made in writing (or
e-mail) within 40 working days of receipt of this response and addressed
to the Information Governance Appeals Officer, to the address below.


Information Governance Appeals Officer

Lewes District Council and Eastbourne Borough Council

1 Grove Road


BN21 4TW


Email: [email address]


Please note:

If you are considering re-using the information disclosed to you through
this request, for any purpose outside of what could be considered for
personal use, you are required under the Public Sector Re-use of
Information Regulations 2005 to make an Application for Re-use to the
organisation you have requested the information from. Applications for
Re-Use should be directed to me in the first instance.


Please contact me again, quoting your reference number, if you require any
further assistance with your current request and I will do my best to
provide the relevant help and advice. 


Yours sincerely


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