Requests similar to 'Council spending for young adults leaving care'

Use of Agency social work
Response by East Ayrshire Council to Ryan McGonagle on .

Awaiting classification

CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached a response.   Kind regards,   Information Governance Offi...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis F P LANNIE In...
Autism diagnosis waiting times
Response by East Ayrshire Council to Iona M.J. MacDonald on .

Information not held

CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANN...
Agency Social Work Usage
Response by East Ayrshire Council to Alex Birkitt on .


CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANN...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Information Governance...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANN...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response. Kind regards, Francis Lannie F P LANNIE Inf...
Duty Social Work Contact Details
Response by East Ayrshire Council to Becky Smith on .


CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached a response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANNIE...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANN...
Children's social care spending
Response by East Ayrshire Council to Emily Craigie on .

Awaiting classification

CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANN...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANN...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANN...
Children missing from care
Response by East Ayrshire Council to Karin Goodwin on .

Awaiting classification

CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached a response.   Kind regards,   Information Governance  ...
Independent Advocacy
Response by East Ayrshire Council to Rebecca Brown on .


CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Information Governance East Ayrshire Health...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANN...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANN...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards   **************************...
Foster Care East Ayrshire
Response by East Ayrshire Council to Joseph Durbidge on .


CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANN...
Social care team managers
Response by East Ayrshire Council to Josh Allum on .

Awaiting classification

CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached a response.   Kind regards,   Information Governance  ...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   FL   Information Governance Officer  ...
Organisational Structures
Response by East Ayrshire Council to Sam Broadley on .


CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANN...
Surety fiduciary bonds
Response by East Ayrshire Council to [name removed] on .


CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response. Francis Lannie F P LANNIE Information Governa...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response. Kind regards, Francis Lannie F P LANNIE Inf...
CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response. Francis Lannie F P LANNIE Information Governa...
Foster care retention statistics
Response by East Ayrshire Council to Joseph Durbidge on .


CLASSIFICATION: PUBLIC Regarding your request for information, please find attached our response.   Kind regards,   Francis Lannie F P LANN...