Dear Derry City and Strabane District Council,

I am requesting the following information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. If any information is unavailable, exempt, or beyond time/cost limits, please disregard these and provide the rest.

1. Are you on a green/renewable energy tariff for gas and electricity supplies? Please answer individually for both.

2. Do you have any renewable energy installations at council-owned properties (both residential and commercial council-owned properties)?

If yes, please list them and include their maximum capacity. Options might include:

- Solar panels
- Solar thermal panels
- Wind turbines
- Air source heat pump
- Ground source heat pump
- Biomass systems
- Hydroelectric systems
- Other (please specify)

3. What percentage of commercial council-owned properties have solar panels installed as of 2024 (if this year of data is unavailable, please provide the percentage of commercial council-owned properties that have solar panels installed as of 2023)?

4. What percentage of residential council-owned properties have solar panels installed as of 2024 (if this year of data is unavailable, please provide the percentage of residential council-owned properties that have solar panels installed as of 2023)?

5. What percentage of council-owned properties (both residential and commercial council-owned properties) are powered 100% by sustainable energy as of 2024 (if this year of data is unavailable, please provide the percentage of council-owned properties that are powered 100% by sustainable energy as of 2023)?

6. Do you have any fully electric vehicles in your fleet for staff use (excluding hybrids)? If yes, how many?

7. Do you currently employ a staff member whose primary responsibility is overseeing the implementation of sustainability strategies, such as a “Sustainability Officer”?

8. What eco-friendly initiatives are implemented across your council-owned properties for your staff members to take part in? These could include green transport solutions (e.g. bike schemes), recycling programs, etc. Please describe them.

9. What were the estimated annual savings on energy bills from using renewable energy sources for the 2023 calendar year in GBP?

10. How much energy was sold back to the National Grid annually from your renewable installations for the 2023 calendar year in kWh and GBP?

Please let me know if you have any questions or require additional clarification.

Yours faithfully,

Jamie Dixon

Damian McCay, Derry City and Strabane District Council

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Nr Dixon


Please find attached acknowledgement of your FOI request.


Damian McCay


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foi, Derry City and Strabane District Council

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Dear Mr Dixon,


Please find attached the response to your FOI request.




Danielle Fitzpatrick

Information Management Team



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