Dear Ms Jones
RE: Request for Information under The Freedom of Information Act 2000
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information. This requ...
Dear Lion
I acknowledge with thanks your requests for information, listed below.
1) Data Protection Oldham Council
2) Data Protec...
Dear Ms Walker
RE: Request for Information under The Freedom of Information Act 2000
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information. This req...
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended...
Dear Mrs Campbell,
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information received at this
office on 19/12/2008. This request has been considered...
Dear Ms Dunckerley
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information received at this
office on 20/04/2009 regarding Dangerous Dogs Act 1991....
Dear Charley
Please see the response to your request below.
Many thanks
Adam Ratcliffe
Human Resources and Organisationa...
Your reference:
Our reference: 1625
Please ask for: Sarah Brien
Tel: 0161 770 1619
e-mail: [1][email address]
Date: 16.10.2009
Dear Mrs L...
Dear Mrs Campbell
RE: Request for Information under The Freedom of Information Act 2000
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information receiv...
Dear Ms Walker
RE: Freedom of Information request - Agency spend in schools
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information. This request has...
Dear Matthew,
RE: Freedom of Information request - Individual Cash Budgets
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information. This request has b...
Dear C G Otoole,
RE: Freedom of Information request - Supply Agency spend
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information. This request has be...
Dear Mr Taylor
RE: Freedom of Information request - Workforce Development
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information. This request has be...
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your email dated 23 July 2019.
Please accept this letter as acknowledgement and safe receipt of your request for an in...
Dear Stacey
Please find attached the recovery premium funding for the academic years 2021-22 and 2022-23 to date for schools excluding academies . Two...
Dear Suraj,
Please find attached the response to your FOI request.
Lynn Phillips
Housing Project Officer
Place and Economic Growth
Dear Oliver Murphy
Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information Request to Oldham Council.
Kind regards
Fiona Carr
Principal Hom...
Dear Oliver Murphy
Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information Request.
Kind regards
Fiona Carr
Principal Home...
Dear Adam Bychawski
Please find attached the response to your FOI request to Oldham Council.
Kind regards
Fiona Carr
Principal Home...
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to confirm that the Council has now completed its search for
the information which you requested
Are you currentl...
Good afternoon
Please find attached the response to you recent freedom of information request.
Kind Regards
Anne Clark
Inclusion Manager
Dear Mr Heaton
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information received at this
office on 24/06/2009 in relation to taxis and registered as...
Dear Mr Nunn,
RE: Request for Information under The Freedom of Information Act 2000
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information received a...
Dear H. Wright,
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information received at this office on 13/10/2009. This request has been considered as a re...
Dear Mr Kemp,
RE: Request for Information under The Freedom of Information Act 2000
I acknowledge with thanks your request for information. This requ...