Council meeting snacks

The request was partially successful.

Dear Worcester City Council,

Please treat this email as a request under the Freedom of Information Act. I am seeking information concerning:

The total amount of money spent on a) tea & coffee, b) biscuits and cake, c) sandwiches at council meetings (both main meetings and sub-committees) in the following years?
2018 (figures up to September)

What brands/types of biscuits and cake were supplied?

What brands/types of tea and coffee were supplied?

What brands/types of sandwiches were supplied?

If it is not possible to provide the information requested due to the information exceeding the cost of compliance limits identified in Section 12, please provide advice and assistance, under your Section 16 obligations, as to how I can refine my request to be included in the scope of the Act.

I look forward to your response within 20 working days, as stipulated by the Act.

Yours faithfully,

Saeed Hussain

FOI, Worcester City Council

5 Attachments

[1]Description: Description: Description:

Our Ref: 20180563/JP

Email: [2][Worcester City Council request email]



Dear Saeed Hussain,


Thank you for your below Freedom of Information request sent to Worcester
City Council.



1.   The total amount of money spent on:

a)  tea & coffee,

b)  biscuits and cake,

c)   sandwiches at council meetings (both main meetings and
sub-committees) in the following years?

·         2008

·         2009

·         2010

·         2011

·         2012

·         2013

·         2014

·         2015

·         2016

·         2017

·         2018 (figures up to September)


Please see the attached csv file.


Worcester City Council does not hold the information you have requested
before the year 2010. The council also does not hold the information you
have requested for 2018/19 as costs were recorded within a wider
associated budget related to the running of the Guildhall where members
meetings are held.


2.   What brands/types of biscuits and cake were supplied?

Worcester City Council does not hold this information.


3.   What brands/types of tea and coffee were supplied?

Worcester City Council does not hold this information.


4.   What brands/types of sandwiches were supplied?

Worcester City Council does not hold this information.


The attached dataset is supplied to you and can be re-used in accordance
with the Open Government Licence (OGL).


If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review. Internal review requests should be
submitted no later than two months from the date of our response to your
original request. These requests should be sent by email to
[3][Worcester City Council request email] or to the following postal address:


The Monitoring Officer

Worcester City Council

The Guildhall

High Street




If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information
Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9
5AF.If you have any queries about this request please do not hesitate to
contact us. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any
future communications.


Yours sincerely,

Anna Troughton


Corporate Policy and Strategy Team
[4]cid:image001.png@01D256F7.BAD3CFC0 Email:
[5][Worcester City Council request email]
[6]Description: Description: Description: Telephone: (01905)
C:\Users\rmorris.WCCNETWORK.001\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary 722391
Internet Files\Content.Outlook\GJYI1JMJ\telephone icon.png
[7]Description: Description: Description:
C:\Users\rmorris.WCCNETWORK.001\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet
Files\Content.Outlook\GJYI1JMJ\logo copy.png

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