Council house EPC ratings & MEES
Dear Barrow in Furness Borough Council,
Please treat this as a Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request.
I would like information about your council’s homes and MEES enforcements in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards. This information may be held by a housing department or similar.
In particular, please supply me with information relating to the following questions:
1. What is the energy efficiency of the council's homes (managed or owned by the council)? Please provide either a distribution table with the number of buildings for each EPC rating or the percentage of the council’s homes that have received an EPC rating of C or above.
2. What is the number of investigations, enforcement notices and enforcement actions that the council did, related to MEES (Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards) in the 2021/22 financial year.
Where data is available separately for each statistic please provide separately. If only some information is available, please give me that information.
I would prefer to receive information in a machine readable format, such as CSV files for data, where possible.
I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Yours faithfully,
Hannah Jewell, Climate Emergency UK
Dear Sir/Madam
Your request has now been considered and the information requested is below.
1. What is the energy efficiency of the council's homes (managed or owned by the council)? Please provide either a distribution table with the number of buildings for each EPC rating or the percentage of the council’s homes that have received an EPC rating of C or above. Band C
2. What is the number of investigations, enforcement notices and enforcement actions that the council did, related to MEES (Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards) in the 2021/22 financial year. NIL
Copyright Notice
The provision of information by Barrow Borough Council by whatever means does not imply a right to reproduce or commercial exploit such information without the prior written express consent of the Council. This includes information disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act.
Reproduction or commercial exploitation of information without consent may be an infringement of copyright.
Barrow Borough Council is unable to grant permission to reproduce or re-use ANY information that is the property of a third party(s). Permission to reproduce or re-use any such material must be obtained from the copyright holder(s).
Information you receive which is not subject to Crown Copyright continues to be protected by the copyright of the person or organisation from which the information originated.
You are free to use it for your own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for the purposes of news reporting. Any other re-use, for example commercial publication, would require the permission of the copyright holder. You can find details on the arrangements for re-using Crown Copyright at:
Applications for re-use must be made in writing and state the purpose for which the information will be reused. Under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations we may choose to allow re-use under licence, imposing conditions on the re-use of the information to ensure it is not used in a manner inconsistent with our copyright and we may also decide to charge a re-use fee.
If you have any queries, concerns or if you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request please contact me as above. If the complaint still cannot be resolved you may contact the Council’s Corporate Services Manager at the address given above.
If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow. Cheshire SK9 5AF
Yours faithfully
Freedom of Information
Dear Freedom of Information,
Thank you for taking the time to look at the FOI/EIR request I have submitted.
This is a polite reminder that the legal deadline by which you needed to respond to the FOI/EIR request was 13th February 2023, which has now passed.
I would be very grateful if you could ensure that you respond to this request as soon as you can.
All the best,
Hannah Jewell, Climate Emergency UK
Yours sincerely,
Climate Emergency UK
Dear Sir/Madam
A response was sent on 18th January, Please see a copy of the response below.
Your request has now been considered and the information requested is below.
1. What is the energy efficiency of the council's homes (managed or owned by the council)? Please provide either a distribution table with the number of buildings for each EPC rating or the percentage of the council’s homes that have received an EPC rating of C or above. Band C
2. What is the number of investigations, enforcement notices and enforcement actions that the council did, related to MEES (Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards) in the 2021/22 financial year. NIL
Copyright Notice
The provision of information by Barrow Borough Council by whatever means does not imply a right to reproduce or commercial exploit such information without the prior written express consent of the Council. This includes information disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act.
Reproduction or commercial exploitation of information without consent may be an infringement of copyright.
Barrow Borough Council is unable to grant permission to reproduce or re-use ANY information that is the property of a third party(s). Permission to reproduce or re-use any such material must be obtained from the copyright holder(s).
Information you receive which is not subject to Crown Copyright continues to be protected by the copyright of the person or organisation from which the information originated.
You are free to use it for your own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for the purposes of news reporting. Any other re-use, for example commercial publication, would require the permission of the copyright holder. You can find details on the arrangements for re-using Crown Copyright at:
Applications for re-use must be made in writing and state the purpose for which the information will be reused. Under the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations we may choose to allow re-use under licence, imposing conditions on the re-use of the information to ensure it is not used in a manner inconsistent with our copyright and we may also decide to charge a re-use fee.
If you have any queries, concerns or if you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request please contact me as above. If the complaint still cannot be resolved you may contact the Council’s Corporate Services Manager at the address given above.
If you are not content with the outcome of your complaint, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow. Cheshire SK9 5AF
Yours faithfully
Freedom of Information
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