Council electricity tariffs and renewable electricity generation
Dear Stratford on Avon District Council,
Please treat this as a Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request.
I would like information about your council’s electricity sources in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards. This information may be held by an estates department or similar.
In particular, please supply me with information relating to the following questions:
a. Does the council have a 100% renewable green electricity tariff for all of the electricity that the council is directly responsible for, and is this tariff with Green Energy UK plc, Good Energy Limited or Ecotricity?
This includes all electricity that the council is directly responsible for, in council offices and any other buildings leased and managed by the council where the council pays the electricity tariff. This does not include homes owned or managed by the council. If unsure, please state your provider and tariff.
b. Does the council generate and use energy from waste? And if so, what percentage of the council’s total electricity use is powered by these energy from waste electricity sources?
c. Does the council buy directly from a local renewable electricity source or have its own renewable electricity sources? And if so, what percentage of the council's total electricity use is powered by this/these renewable electricity sources?
This includes council owned renewable electricity sources that are located outside of the council area, such as solar farms located further south to maximise electricity generation.
I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Yours faithfully,
Hannah Jewell, Climate Emergency UK
Processing Environmental Information Regulations Request
Environmental Information Regulations #23309
Dear Hannah Jewell,
We have started processing your Environmental Information Regulations
request. A response may take up to 20 working days. If you have not
received a response after 11/02/2023 , please contact the council
([email address]).
Your Environmental Information Regulations reference number is #23309.
Freedom of Information Officer
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Environmental Information Regulations Response
Dear Hannah Jewell
Further to your request, please see the following response:
a. The Council purchase electricity through Total Energies 100% renewable
green tariff.
b. The Council has a solar array on the roof of our main office building
which generates a small percentage of the Councils energy requirements.
The residual domestic waste that the Council collects from the district is
delivered to the Coventry energy from waste plant . Stratford District
Council does not own this nor do we have access to any electricity
c. No.
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the
right to ask for an internal review. An internal review request should be
submitted in writing within 40 working days of receiving the original
reply and should be addressed to:
Information Governance Department,
Stratford-on-Avon District Council,
Elizabeth House,
Church Street,
CV37 6HX.
You may make a request for an Internal Review in direct reply to this
If you are dissatisfied with The Council's response to an internal review
you have requested, you have the right to make a complaint to the
Information Commissioner's Office. You can contact the ICO using the
information below;
Tel: 0303 123 1113
Live chat:
Freedom of Information Officer
Stratford-on-Avon District Council
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