Council electricity tariffs and renewable electricity generation

The request was successful.

Climate Emergency UK

Dear Kent County Council,

Please treat this as a Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request.

I would like information about your council’s electricity sources in relation to climate action for the Council Climate Action Scorecards. This information may be held by an estates department or similar.

In particular, please supply me with information relating to the following questions:

a. Does the council have a 100% renewable green electricity tariff for all of the electricity that the council is directly responsible for, and is this tariff with Green Energy UK plc, Good Energy Limited or Ecotricity?
This includes all electricity that the council is directly responsible for, in council offices and any other buildings leased and managed by the council where the council pays the electricity tariff. This does not include homes owned or managed by the council. If unsure, please state your provider and tariff.

b. Does the council generate and use energy from waste? And if so, what percentage of the council’s total electricity use is powered by these energy from waste electricity sources?

c. Does the council buy directly from a local renewable electricity source or have its own renewable electricity sources? And if so, what percentage of the council's total electricity use is powered by this/these renewable electricity sources?
This includes council owned renewable electricity sources that are located outside of the council area, such as solar farms located further south to maximise electricity generation.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Hannah Jewell, Climate Emergency UK


Information request
Our reference: 34549641


Dear Ms Jewell
Thank you for your email which we received on 17 January 2023.
Kent County Council (KCC) acknowledges your request for information, which
we will consider under the relevant legislation (Freedom of Information
Act 2000 and/or Environmental Information Regulations 2004).
Assuming KCC holds this information, we will endeavour to supply the data
to you as soon as possible but no later than 14 February 2023 (20 working
days from date of receipt).
We will advise you as soon as possible if we do not hold this information
or if there are exemptions to be considered and/or any costs for providing
the information.
Please quote our reference - 34549641 in any communication regarding this
particular request.

Please see our [1]Information Rights Privacy Notice for details of how we
process your personal data.

Yours sincerely

Mollie Thorne
Information Access Officer
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.


Visible links

1 Attachment


Information request
Our reference: 34549641


Dear Ms Jewell
Thank you for your request for information received on 17 January 2023.
Please find attached our response to your request.
Yours sincerely
 Mollie Thorne 
 Information Access Officer 
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.