Council Costs for management upkeep and development of parks within Weymouth and Portland
Dear Weymouth & Portland Borough Council,
Please can you provide a breakdown of all information requested below between financial years 2008-2012 per annum for the following;
A list of all parks which are under the council's liability to maintain and develop, by area and name.
The structure of council personnel within the parks and gardens department whose primary job is the upkeep of parks.
A complete and transparent breakdown of costs incurred by the council for staff and contractor wages and all associated sundry costs (ie storage, rental of office space , parking, perks etc) for the management for parks only;
Detailed costs incurred for physical maintenance to parks per annum, by park.
Detailed costs for development/upgrade per annum by park.
Planned development/maintenance and actual achieved works per annum/per park.
A grand total per year of costs to Weymouth taxpayers for parks within the area.
For years 2011 and 2012 please provide projected costs.
I realise some information might overlap others but it is essential that I am provided with a clear statement of how much W&PBC pay in wages to upkeep their parks, and I am able to separate this from materials used for upkeep, renovation and development.
If you are unable to clearly separate wages of personnel for parks alone, please amend all of above information to additionally include all parks, gardens and other areas under the remit of the parks and gardens department.
I realise this may be a lot of information and assure you that if your response is kept as concise and in an easy to read format I should not have to bother you again to clarify the smaller details contained within.
Thank you in anticipation if your assistance in this regard.
Yours faithfully,
M E Arrowsmith
Dear Mr/Ms Arrowsmith,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our acknowledgment letter attached.
Many thanks,
Jo Woodall
Team Leader - Customer Focus
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council
North Quay, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8TA
01305 838000
Weymouth & Portland -
Sailing venue for the London 2012
Olympic and Paralympic Games
Dear Mr / Ms Arrowsmith,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request. Please find our response letter and associated documents attached.
Kind regards,
Jo Woodall
Team Leader - Customer Focus
Weymouth & Portland Borough Council
North Quay, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8TA
01305 838000
Weymouth & Portland -
Sailing venue for the London 2012
Olympic and Paralympic Games
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