Council buildings

The request was successful.

Dear Worcester City Council,

I would like to know in the years on 2014, 2015 and 2016, who many (if any) council buildings have been closed or new ones opened.

Yours faithfully,

Duncan Cushenan

FOI, Worcester City Council

1 Attachment

[1]Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:

Freedom of Information Request –

Private & Confidential



Dear Duncan Cushenan,


Thank you for your Freedom of Information request sent to Worcester City

From our preliminary assessment, it is clear that we will not be able to
answer your request without further clarification.


We require further information in order to identify and locate the
information you have asked for.  In particular, it would be useful to know
your definition of a ‘Council building’, e.g. Council owned, Council
operated, buildings open to the public with Council facilities etc.


Once you have clarified your request, we will be able to begin to process
your request.  If we do not receive clarification within 1 month  (by
14/11/16) your request will be considered to have lapsed.  Please note
that under section 1(3) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, a public
authority need not comply with a request unless any further information
reasonably required to locate the information is supplied.


Once clarification has been received we will deal with your request under
the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.  The request will then
be processed and will be answered within twenty working days.


If you have any queries about this request please do not hesitate to
contact us. 
Please remember to quote the reference number 20160503/RGM in any future


Thank you,

Worcester City Council FOI Team


Freedom of Information Team

Worcester City Council

Address:  The Guildhall, High Street, Worcester WR1 2EY

Email:  [2][Worcester City Council request email]

Phone: 01905 722050




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Dear FOI,

I would like this information to pertain to any buildings that are/were owned or operated by the council.

Yours sincerely,

Duncan Cushenan

FOI, Worcester City Council

2 Attachments


[1]Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:

Freedom of Information Request –

Private & Confidential

Our Ref: 20160503/RGM


Dear Duncan Cushenan,


Please see attached the response regarding your Freedom of Information
request sent to Worcester City Council.


Thank you

Rich Morris

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