Costs to date of Knowle, BHonito and Exmouth relocation exercise
Dear East Devon District Council,
I would like to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I am also making this Request under the Environmental Impact Regulations 2004 which require disclosure on the part of Local Authorities.
Please let me have the costs to date of the Knowle relocation project, to include all preliminary pre "moving decision" costs, and subsequent costs of all work associated with the intended reallocation, including those at The Knowle, Manstone, the intended Honiton site and Exmouth Town Hall
I should also like to know the current projected costs of the Exmouth Town Hall move, (including all associated costs such as moving, staff compensation and travel costs and fitting out costs), and for Honiton and costs associated with the "mothballing" of various parts of the Knowle contingent upon the intended relocation of 90 staff to Exmouth.
Yours faithfully,
R Thurlow
Thank you for submitting a request for information. We will respond to your request as quickly as possible, within the 20 working day statutory deadline under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
For updates on this case, please quote your unique reference number 101000678736 .
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East Devon District Council
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Mr Thurlow
Thank you for your request for information. You asked:
Please let me have the costs to date of the Knowle relocation project, to
include all preliminary pre moving decision costs and subsequent costs of
all work associated with the intended relocation , including those at
Manstone, the intended Honiton site and Exmouth Town Hall.
I should also like to know the current projected costs of the Exmouth Town
Hall move and for Honiton.
Cost information is published regularly on our project document archive
which can be accessed here
Please also find attached the most recent cost report as at the date of
your request for information. You will note that there have been some
redactions to the figures published, and attached. This is to reflect the
fact that these figures are not yet subject to contract and the disclosure
of this detail, at this point in time, would weaken the council’s
negotiating position and our ability to achieve best value. This
information is exempt from disclosure under Reg 12(5)(e) of the
Environmental Information Regulations.
Costs for the Exmouth Town Hall element of the project can be accessed
I hope this information is helpful.
If you feel dissatisfied with our response to your request, you have the
right to request an internal review by contacting our Monitoring Officer
at [3][email address]
You may also approach the Information Commissioner for advice at
Mrs Kate Symington
Information and Complaints Officer
East Devon District Council
01395 517417
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