Costs to date for proposed play park and pavilion

Angus carr made this Freedom of Information request to Wallingford Town Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Wallingford Town Council,

Can you tell me the itemised costs to date, for the proposed play park and pavilion in the Bullcroft Wallingford.
All reports commissioned in relation to planning applicationP23/S0105/FUL in the Bull Croft
To also include unpaid and unfinished commissioned work:-

Yours faithfully,
Angus Carr

Senior Admin, Wallingford Town Council,

Good afternoon Mr Carr,

Thank you for your email. I have registered your request and the Clerk will respond to you within the allotted time frame.

Kind regards,

Senior Government Officer/Mayor’s Secretary

Wallingford Town Council, 8A Castle Street, Wallingford, OX10 8DL
T 01491 835373 E [email address]

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Senior Admin, Wallingford Town Council,

22 Attachments

Dear Mr Carr,

On 27th of February 2024: you submitted a request under the 2000 freedom of information act, asking for the following:

1. Itemised costs to date
2. All reports commissioned in relation to the planning application. P23/S0105/FUL in the Bull Croft 3. Include unpaid and unfinished commission work.

Please find items 1 & 2 attached.

In regard to point 3, the unpaid/unfinished commissioned work, we are still waiting for the archaeology and bat hibernation surveys to be completed. We are hoping to have both of these reports on the planning portal by the end of April, but you will appreciate that with the current wet weather, we have had to delay the archaeological works which will take place hopefully the start of week commencing the 8th of April 2024, but again will be dependent on weather.

Kind regards,

Senior Government Officer/Mayor’s Secretary

Wallingford Town Council, 8A Castle Street, Wallingford, OX10 8DL
T 01491 835373 E [email address]

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Dear Senior Admin, Wallingford Town Council,

I appreciate you haven’t got the reports for the archaeology and bat hibernation surveys, but are the costs from your Purchase Order number 4988 with the contractor removed from the submitted purchase order, included in the spreadsheet? (ref:- Senior Admin, Wallingford Town Council, 20 October 2023, on What do they know website) The figures of £1204 or £1531 do not appear on the spread sheet you have uploaded. If these have not been submitted then does this also mean the costs for the Archaeological works which might take place W/C April 8th 2024, are also not on the spreadsheet? The plans will also have to have, quote “Prior to the commencement of development, a full surface water drainage scheme following the surface water drainage hierarchy as set out in Ciria C753 and by providing infiltration testing undertaken in accordance with BRE 365, shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The design of the surface water drainage system will be in accordance with the non-statutory technical standards for sustainable drainage systems, including details of the levels, size, position and construction of drainage works. The drainage scheme shall be sized to accommodate a minimum of the worst case 1 in 30 year storm + 40% Climate Change storm, without any flows exiting up to this storm event and any storage on site not causing a nuisance or flooding to property. The approved scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the development hereby approved”, and quote, “Prior to the commencement of development, with the exception of any demolition, a full foul water drainage scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The drainage scheme shall include details of method, levels, size, position and construction of the drainage scheme. Reason: To ensure the proper provision of foul water drainage and to ensure flooding and pollution is not exacerbated in the locality” I can’t see any commissioned / unpaid work for this. Is there any paid design or commissioned reports for this work?
Yours sincerely,

Angus carr

Senior Admin, Wallingford Town Council,

Thank you for your email.


I am currently out of the office till Wednesday 27th March 2024 but I will
be checking my emails.



Kind regards



Senior Admin, Wallingford Town Council,

Thank you for your email Mr Carr which I received today 27th March 2024 as I have been on Annual Leave. I have passed this on to the Town Clerk and will respond to you in due course.

Kind regards,

Senior Government Officer/Mayor’s Secretary

Wallingford Town Council, 8A Castle Street, Wallingford, OX10 8DL
T 01491 835373 E [email address]

Wallingford Town Council take your privacy very seriously. In order to carry out your request we may need to share your personal information contained in the request with other third parties. We will only hold this information whilst the request is active and it will not be used for any other purpose. To view our Privacy Notice please visit

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Senior Admin, Wallingford Town Council,

1 Attachment

Good Morning Mr Carr,

On 25th of March 2024: you submitted a request under the 2000 freedom of information act, please see below and attached our response.

1. PO4988, clearer copy sent the figure £1204 was replaced by updated figure £1531, please see clearer copy
2. The costs for the archaeology dig which were scheduled for the w/c 8th April will now take place from the 22nd April are included in the spread sheet with a value of £16971.00
3. Surface Water drainage query – There isn’t any paid or commissioned work for this at this moment in time, please see below reasoning.

The conditions you quote are from a consultee comment made by Drainage (South and Vale). Drainage has requested that it is conditioned that a full surface water drainage scheme and a full foul water drainage scheme be submitted prior to commencement.
Both reports / schemes will not be required to be submitted at this phase in the planning process because they will likely be conditioned if the application is permitted. If the application is permitted we will have a number of conditions to discharge which will be done through a Discharge of Conditions application. As such, these reports have not been commissioned and will not be commissioned until the application is permitted and they are required by condition.

Kind regards,

Senior Government Officer/Mayor’s Secretary

Wallingford Town Council, 8A Castle Street, Wallingford, OX10 8DL
T 01491 835373 E [email address]

Wallingford Town Council take your privacy very seriously. In order to carry out your request we may need to share your personal information contained in the request with other third parties. We will only hold this information whilst the request is active and it will not be used for any other purpose. To view our Privacy Notice please visit

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