costs of policing the XR Windsor protest

Tom Hardy made this Freedom of Information request to The Crown Estate Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Dear The Crown Estate,

During the Extinction Rebellion protest in Windsor between 30th August and 1st September, extra fencing, security and policing was apparent in the town.

I request details of the cost of Fencing

Yours faithfully,

Tom Hardy

Enquiries, The Crown Estate

Thank you for your email which is receiving our attention. We will get
back to you with a response as soon as we can.

If your email is a request for information, it will be handled under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Environmental Information Regulations
2004 or data protection law as appropriate. We will come back to you as
soon as possible, and within 20 working days, or one month for data
protection requests.

Please make us aware of any adjustment you require under the Equality Act
and we will adapt our communication to you as is reasonable. Reasonable
adjustments may include, but are not limited to, responding to your
communication request by post, telephone or by email in an alternative
format such as large print or audio.

Enquiries   |  

[1]The Crown Estate

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Aimee Gasston, The Crown Estate

Dear Tom 

Your information request (1851) 

Thank you for your email of 2 October 2024 in which you made an
information request. 

Specifically, you asked about the cost of the fencing erected in relation
to the Extinction Rebellion protest in Windsor between 30 August and 1
September 2024. 

Fencing was erected at the top of the Long Walk at Cambridge Gate during
the Extinction Rebellion event.  The Crown Estate has owned these fencing
panels for many years; they were not sourced specifically for this event
and are kept in stock for use across the estate, so did not incur any
additional cost. 

The fencing was installed by The Crown Estate’s staff and it took around
two hours for a team of five to install and remove the fencing. As this
work was done as part of the usual working day, costs attached to this
work were not specifically recorded. However, if you require any further
information, please let us know. 

We hope this information is helpful. However, if you are not satisfied
with the way we have handled your information request, you may appeal our
decision which will then be investigated through an internal review. You
may request an internal review within 40 working days from today’s date.
If you are not content with the outcome of such a review, you have the
right to refer any complaint directly to the ICO (contact details are
available at: [1] or you can access their complaints portal
here: [2]FOI and EIR complaints | ICO). The ICO will usually expect you to
have first exhausted our own complaints procedure before raising any
concerns with them.      
Yours sincerely     



Aimee Gasston     
Transparency Manager 

Aimee Gasston   |   Transparency Manager

Pronouns: she/her/hers

M: +44 7552 863 512   T: +44 20 7851 5046

[3]The Crown Estate

1 St James's Market, London, SW1Y 4AH
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confidential and subject to legal professional privilege and it should not
be disclosed to or used by anyone else. If you receive this message in
error please let the sender know straight away. The Crown Estate's head
office is at 1 St James's Market London SW1Y 4AH.

We cannot accept liability resulting from email transmission.

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