Costs of managing asbestos in schools

Haringey Borough Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Haringey Borough Council,
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, please provide me with the following information:
1. the amount of money spent on asbestos management in schools between 2006 and 2016 (to include the costs of surveys, staff training and work to enclose asbestos within schools)
2. the amount of money spent on asbestos removal from schools between 2006 and 2016
3. the amount of money spent on fines for breaches in the safe management of asbestos in schools between 2006 and 2016
4. funding sought from the Department of Education and the Education Funding Authority for the management and removal of asbestos from schools between 2006 and 2016
5. the amount of funding approved by the Department of Education and the Education Funding Authority for the management and removal of asbestos from schools between 2006 and 2016
6. the projected budget for future management of asbestos in schools between 2017 and 2027

I understand that under the Act I am entitled to a response within 20 working days of your receipt of this request. Some parts of the request may be easier to answer than others. Should this be the case, I request that you release information as soon as possible.

If my request is denied in whole or in part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the Act. I will also expect you to release all non-exempt material. I reserve the right to appeal your decision to withhold any information or to charge excessive

I would prefer to receive the information electronically.

If you require any clarification, please contact me in accordance with your duty under Section 16 to provide advice and assistance if you find any aspect of this FOI request problematic.

Please acknowledge receipt of this request by email. I look forward to receiving the information in the near future.

Yours faithfully,

Lucie Stephens

Haringey Borough Council

Dear Ms Stephens


Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:


I acknowledge your request for information received on 05 September 2017.


This information request will be dealt with in accordance with the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations and we
will send the response by 03 October 2017


Yours sincerely,




Feedback and Information Governance


Shared Service Centre | Central Team

Haringey Council 

10th Floor, Alexandra House, 10 Station Road, Wood Green, London N22 7TR




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Haringey Borough Council

Dear Ms Stephens


Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations Request:


I acknowledge your request for information received on 05 September 2017.


This information request will be dealt with in accordance with the Freedom
of Information Act 2000 / Environmental Information Regulations and we
will send the response by


Yours sincerely,




Feedback and Information Governance


Shared Service Centre | Central Team

Haringey Council 

10th Floor, Alexandra House, 10 Station Road, Wood Green, London N22 7TR




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Smith Panayiota, Haringey Borough Council

Dear Ms Stephens,

Re: Freedom of Information Act Request ref: LBH/6574417


Thank you for your request for information received on 05 September 2017,
in which you asked for the following information:


1. the amount of money spent on asbestos management in schools between
2006 and 2016 (to include the costs of surveys, staff training and work to
enclose asbestos within schools)

2. the amount of money spent on asbestos removal from schools between 2006
and 2016

3. the amount of money spent on fines for breaches in the safe management
of asbestos in schools between 2006 and 2016

4. funding sought from the Department of Education and the Education
Funding Authority for the management and removal of asbestos from schools
between 2006 and 2016

5. the amount of funding approved by the Department of Education and the
Education Funding Authority for the management and removal of asbestos
from schools between 2006 and 2016

6. the projected budget for future management of asbestos in schools
between 2017 and 2027


My response is as follows:


Please note the following information does not apply to Academies, Free
school, Voluntary Aided and any independent schools.


Q1 & Q2

                Both Haringey Council and all relevant schools have
budgets to undertake works around asbestos management and general capital
works. Where necessary all schools have current managed asbestos reports
and action plans in place to monitor them. As works and training etc. have
been carried out both by ourselves and the schools and personnel in all
establishments have changed over the last 10 years, we are unable to give
you records of spend for the period 2006 to 2016 as we don’t hold the


Q3          Haringey have not had any fines in relation to breaches of the
safe management of asbestos in schools between 2006 and 2016


Q4 & Q5

                As both Haringey and schools can apply for funding from
the Department of Education and the Education Funding Authority for the
management and removal of asbestos we are unable to supply accurate
records of this funding.


Q6          We are currently in the process of updating our current
capital spend over the next 5 to 10 years, the final programme should be
available next year. Following on from this we will be able to estimate
our future spend on Asbestos works.


If you are unhappy with how we have responded to your request you can ask
us to conduct an Internal Review. If so, please contact the Feedback and
Information Team as below. (Please note you should do this within two
months of receiving this response.)   


Feedback and Information Team

10th Floor, Alexandra House

10 Station Road


N22 7TR

E [1][email address]



Yours sincerely,




Dianne Grant

Schools Property Adviser


T: 020 8489 3780

M: 0797 645 7432

E. [2][email address]




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you have received this email in error, please notify the system
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