Costs of Data Included in the development of the National Address Register
Dear Sir or Madam,
I would like to make a freedom of information request about the cost of data included in the development of the national address register in preparation for the census 2011.
Please can you indicate the committed and future costs to ONS of the use of the following files:
Royal Mail PAF file
Ordnance Survey Address file
NLPG Location file
and any other data files included in the address register development.
Yours faithfully,
Tim Drye
Our Reference: FOI00871/Drye/QE1
Dear Tim Dyre.
I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and
electronic records, I have established that the information you requested
is not held by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
ONS produce population projections, but do not make any specific
assumptions about migration for specific reasons such as those quoted in
your request. ONS do not deal with estimates of international migration. It
could be that the Home Office have such estimates from their immigration
and asylum records, an appropriate contact there would be Ann Barber
([email address])
You have the right to have this response to your freedom of information
request reviewed internally by an internal review process and, if you
remain unhappy with the decision, by the Information Commissioner. If you
would like to have the decision reviewed please write to Stephen Penneck,
Office for National Statistics, Room 1127, Government Buildings, Cardiff
Road, Newport, Gwent, NP10 8XG.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Paul Wearn
Legal Services
For the latest data on the economy and society consult National Statistics at
Legal Disclaimer : Any views expressed by the sender of this message are not necessarily those of the Office for National Statistics
Please note the response below does not relate to your request.
Response to follow.
Apologies for any confusion caused.
Paul Wearn
Legal Services
Our Reference: FOI00871/Drye/QE1
Dear Tim Dyre.
I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and
electronic records, I have established that the information you requested
is not held by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
ONS produce population projections, but do not make any specific
assumptions about migration for specific reasons such as those quoted in
your request. ONS do not deal with estimates of international migration. It
could be that the Home Office have such estimates from their immigration
and asylum records, an appropriate contact there would be Ann Barber
([email address])
You have the right to have this response to your freedom of information
request reviewed internally by an internal review process and, if you
remain unhappy with the decision, by the Information Commissioner. If you
would like to have the decision reviewed please write to Stephen Penneck,
Office for National Statistics, Room 1127, Government Buildings, Cardiff
Road, Newport, Gwent, NP10 8XG.
If you have any queries about this email, please contact me. Please
remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Paul Wearn
Legal Services
For the latest data on the economy and society consult National Statistics at
Legal Disclaimer : Any views expressed by the sender of this message are not necessarily those of the Office for National Statistics
Dear Office for National Statistics,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Office for National Statistics's handling of my FOI request 'Costs of Data Included in the development of the National Address Register'.
I found the reply to my freedom of information request perplexing, I have had meetings with individuals from ONS who are responsible for the development of the National Address Register in preparation for the forthcoming census 2011. They specifically talked about agreements with Royal Mail as well as Ordnance Survey and the NLPG (National Lang and Property Gazetteer) to use their data within this address registry development. I think that the respondent has mis-understood my request, I apologise for any lack of clarity on my own part. This concerns the Census 2011, rather than immigration statistics.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Tim Drye
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