
The request was successful.

Brian donaldson

Dear South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),

What is the total wage cost for the Ulster hospital on

Administration staff?

Nursing staff?


And the overall total wage cost for the Ulster hospital?

Yours faithfully,

Brian donaldson

Information Governance, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

Dear Mr Donaldson


Freedom of Information Act 2000 - Re: information in relation to the total
wage cost for the Ulster Hospital.


Thank you for your correspondence regarding the above. Your request was
received on 12^th May 2022 and I am dealing with it under the terms of the
above legislation.


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me quoting the
reference number above.


Kind regards

Louise McNamara

Information Governance Assistant


Information Governance Team

028 91512203

Email:- [email address]



For further information on how the Trust processes personal data please
visit the following [1]link




Visible links

Information Governance, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

Dear Mr Donaldson,

In order to continue with your Freedom of Information Request the Service have asked can you please advise over what time period you are requesting this information.

For example the financial year 2021 to 2022.

Kind regards

Information Governance

show quoted sections

Brian donaldson

Dear Information Governance,
Financial year 21/22 abs the previous three years as well please

Yours sincerely,

Brian donaldson

Information Governance, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

Dear Mr Donaldson,

We have updated your FOI request and will respond in due course.

Kind regards

Information Governance Officer

show quoted sections

Information Governance, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Donaldson,


Please see attached response from the South Eastern H&SC Trust in relation
to your request for information received on 12 May 2022.


Kind regards


Rebecca Manning

Information Governance Officer

Information Governance Team

028 91512019

Email:- [1][email address]




Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]