Cost of student accommodation

All Souls College, Oxford did not have the information requested.

Dear All Souls College, Oxford,

I would like to make the following Freedom of Information request:

Please can you supply me with figures for the latest five academic years on the average cost of accommodation for undergraduates provided by the college.

Please provide figures for the academic years 2022/23, 2021/22, 2020/21, 2019/20, 2018/19.

Please provide the figures in terms of weekly rent. Please provide me with both the median and mean cost of accommodation, but if only one figure is available then please specify which you have used.

Please provide the data in the form of a table or spreadsheet.

Yours faithfully,

Alex Clark

All Souls College Bursary, All Souls College, Oxford

Dear Clark,

In response to your FOIA request of 26 September, I would like to inform you that All Souls College has no undergraduates. We are therefore not in a position to provide you with the average cost of accommodation for undergraduates.

With best wishes
Rima Dapous

Domestic Bursar & Fellow
All Souls College

Registered charity no. 1138057

       e     [All Souls College request email]

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