Cost of production and installation of traffic lights

The request was refused by Department for Transport.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would be grateful if you could provide me with the average cost of the following:

a) a standard traffic light, including the traffic light post;
b) the device which pedestrians' press to indicate they wish to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing;
c) the cost of the short posts to which the devices in b) are attached when two such devices are provide at a traffic light (one attached to the traffic light post and the second to a short post)

Yours faithfully,

Mr Oates

Ivan Pocock, Department for Transport

Dear Mr Oates,

I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your request for information which has been allocated the above reference number. A response will be issued to you in due course.


Ivan Pocock
Department for Transport
Information Rights Unit
D/04, Ashdown House
Sedlescombe Road North
St Leonards on Sea
East Sussex
TN37 7GA

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Suku Phull, Department for Transport

Dear Mr Oats,

Thank you for your email of 10 July 2009 to the Department for Transport concerning production and installation cost of traffic signals, since I have dealing with such issues, your email has been passed to me for reply.

Please note that the department does not hold such information. Most signal companies in the UK will be able to provide you with this information and I have suggested a few:

Siemens Traffic -

TSEU Group-

Peek Traffic-

I hope this information is useful.

Yours sincerely

S S Phull
Traffic Management Division
Great Minster House
Zone 2/07
76 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DR
Telephone: 020 7944 2148

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Dear Suku Phull,

I am concerned by your response to my FOI request. The Highways Agency is an Executive Agency of the Department for Transport and unless I am mistaken it has responsibility for procuring traffic signals on trunk roads. As such it must be possible to provide information on the average cost of purchase and installation of traffic signals on these roads over the past 12 months. If the DfT cannot access such information it cannot possible have proper oversight of the Agency's budget.

I would be grateful therefore if you could revisit this matter and seek to ensure that the Highways Agency provides the information requested.

With best wishes

Yours sincerely,

Mr Oates

Suku Phull, Department for Transport

Dear Mr Oaks,

Thank you for your email of 23 July 09 to the Department concerning the cost of traffic signal equipment. In your original email, you asked for general information on the average cost of traffic signal equipment, but you did not explicitly state that you wanted information concerning the average cost of purchase and installation of traffic signals for trunk roads and motorways, for which the Highways Agency has responsibility.

I have forwarded your request to Mr Richard Privett of the Highways Agency, who should be able to provide you with this information ([email address]].


Suku Phull

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Dear Suku Phull,

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Oates

Arrowsmith, Richard,

1 Attachment

Mr Oats

Please find attached my response to your recent Freedom of Information
(FOI) request.


Richard Arrowsmith, Group Leader
Highways Agency | 5 Broadway | Broad Street | Birmingham | B15 1BL
Web: [1]

Safe roads, Reliable journeys, Informed travellers
Highways Agency, an Executive Agency of the Department for Transport.

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Rick Crowley left an annotation ()

Why is there no proper reply to this. I would like to know the cost of installing traffic lights