Cost of meeting between Mayor of Bristol, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and Faith Advisor
Dear Bristol City Council,
In relation to FOI CRN00222772 -- --
The attendees of the meeting are noted as the following:
- Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees
- Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church
- Mayor’s Faith Advisor
a) Please can you provide a breakdown of the costs incurred for each participant, and supply invoices.
b) Who paid for each cost?
c) If the travel and other costs were not funded by Bristol City Council please note where this was declared in the Mayor's "gifts and hospitality" record, and the amount.
d) Please provide costs and invoices for the mayor's trip to Washington DC on this occasion.
Yours faithfully,
Joanna Booth
Dear Joanna Booth
This is a courtesy email to let you know your Public Information
Request has been received on : 07/05/2019.
Your unique reference number is "CRN00225671 ". Please keep this
number safe, as you may be required to provide it in the future.
If you need to add further information concerning your case or
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Customer Relations Team
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You sent us a Freedom of Information request on 07/05/2019
Your request number is CRN00225671
We’ve looked at your request and you should receive a reply on or before 05/06/2019 This will be 20 working days since your original request.
The request
From: Joanna Booth [mailto:[FOI #574196 email]]
Sent: 06 May 2019 07:19
To: Freedom of Information
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Cost of meeting between Mayor of Bristol, Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and Faith Advisor
Dear Bristol City Council,
In relation to FOI CRN00222772 -- --
The attendees of the meeting are noted as the following:
- Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees
- Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church
- Mayor’s Faith Advisor
a) Please can you provide a breakdown of the costs incurred for each participant, and supply invoices.
b) Who paid for each cost?
c) If the travel and other costs were not funded by Bristol City Council please note where this was declared in the Mayor's "gifts and hospitality" record, and the amount.
d) Please provide costs and invoices for the mayor's trip to Washington DC on this occasion.
Yours faithfully,
Joanna Booth
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #574196 email]
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Additional Information (if any)
If you don’t hear from us by this time please contact us quoting your request number CRN00225671 at [1][email address]
Contact details we have for you
Joanna Booth
[FOI #574196 email]
Thank you
Bristol City Council
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You sent us a Freedom of Information request on 07/05/2019
Your request number is CRN00225671
Our reply to your request is:
Subject: FW: FOI Request CRN00225671 - Meetings in Washington with Kris Vallotton
Please send the following in response to this FOI request:
1. Please can you provide a breakdown of the costs incurred for each participant, and supply invoices.
Bristol City Council does not hold a record of any costs being incurred for these meetings.
1. Who paid for each cost?
See above.
1. If the travel and other costs were not funded by Bristol City Council please note where this was declared in the Mayor's "gifts and hospitality" record, and
the amount.
See above.
1. Please provide costs and invoices for the mayor's trip to Washington DC on this occasion.
See table below for details and costs for this trip. Please note that all international travel data will soon be published on the Bristol City Council website.
Date of Duration Destination Reason for travel Travel cost Accommodation cost Funding Funding
travel organisation
Meeting international city leaders at £962.23 flight, £150.73 for 1 night in a
5 Feb 2018 4 days Washington DC, USA gathering for International Prayer plus travel to/from hotel and 1 night in private Externally funded Bristol Church
Breakfast airport in UK accommodation Network
(total £47.90)
Kind regards
This response should answer your request in full.
If you re not satisfied with our response, or if you want to appeal against any exemptions:
Email: [1][Bristol City Council request email]
Write to: Customer Relations (100TS), PO Box 3176, Bristol, BS3 9FS
If you re still not satisfied with our response:
You can complain to the Information Commissioner.
Find out how to do this on the Information Commissioner Office website
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You are not allowed to:
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If you want to copy or use the information in any way you should ask us for permission in writing first. We can t give permission if it is from a third party.
Kind regards
Bristol City Council
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Information about how Bristol City Council uses, stores and processes personal data, can be found on [3]
For the purposes of this scheme, Bristol City Council will only be collecting, storing and processing business and organisational data, and will only be sharing
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Dear "Customer Relations Team" <[email address]>,
Many thanks for your reply. I am worried that the following data you have provided, which is not formatted in a tabular way, could be misunderstood. It is already difficult to read:
Date of Duration Destination Reason for travel Travel cost Accommodation cost Funding Funding
travel organisation
Meeting international city leaders at £962.23 flight, £150.73 for 1 night in a
5 Feb 2018 4 days Washington DC, USA gathering for International Prayer plus travel to/from hotel and 1 night in private Externally funded Bristol Church
Breakfast airport in UK accommodation Network
(total £47.90)
Would you please provide it in a readable format with headings and data appropriately represented? An excel file would seem more suitable.
Also, would you confirm that you are saying that the mayor's faith advisor travelled with him to Washington to attend these two meetings but that Bristol Council did not pay any costs for their stay or flight or anything related?
Yours sincerely,
Joanna Booth
Dear Ms Booth
It appears that when the response was received via, the table was lost. Please see attached the table
in PDF format.
Bristol City Council did not fund any costs associated with the Faith
Advisor's attendance at these meetings.
Yours sincerely
Customer Relations Team
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