Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
DPP & FOI Team – C2/W
Longview Road
Rhys Evans
Email us at:
Your Ref:
Our Ref:
17 February 2023
Dear Mr Evans
Freedom of Information Request
Thank you for your email of 2 February 2023 requesting information under the terms
of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
You asked:
As a resident in Swansea, I have noted that since the DVLA has been
built the lights are on 24 hours per day. As we are all responsible for
reducing our energy use, could you tell me why this is, as I am aware
that many of your staff now work from home.
This is not considered to be a request for recorded information and the following is
provided outside the terms of the FOIA.
I can advise that DVLA working patterns involve staff working various shifts between
6:00am and 11:00pm within the main DVLA tower block. Therefore, cleaning services
and maintenance tasks are usually deployed outside of these times, so they do not
impact on operational delivery.
We are working with our service providers to ensure cleaning is completed each day
in a manner so that lighting is switched off sooner within the DVLA buildings.
Maintenance will continue to require night-time work to be undertaken. In addition,
security staff are deployed regularly across all floors. Instruction is given to turn off
lighting when each floor is vacated.
The DVLA is aware of its responsibility to reduce energy consumption and we
continually work toward further improvements. A number of measures have been
introduced to reduce energy consumption. This includes replacing older light fittings
with more energy efficient LED lighting. Sensors have also been installed to turn off
lights automatically when no activity is detected for a period of time.
More information about the DVLA’s energy charges and our sustainability
commitments can be found in the last annual sustainability report, published on
The information which follows concerns the procedures for making any complaint
you might have about the reply. Please quote the reference number of this letter in
any future communications about it.
Yours sincerely
Robert Toft
Head of Freedom of Information Team
Your right to complain to DVLA and the Information Commissioner
If you are not happy with the reply to your request, you can ask DVLA to re-consider
the response you received by writing (within two calendar months of receiving this
response) to either or DVLA Freedom of Information Team, DPP/FOI,
C2W, DVLA, Swansea SA6 7JL.
DVLA will acknowledge and consider your request, re-visiting the response provided.
This is known as an Internal Review and will be considered by a staff member not
involved with the original reply.
If you disagree with the outcome of the Internal Review, you have the option to
complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. Further information can be found
via: Alternatively you may wish to write to:
Customer Contact, Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow SK9 5AF