Requests similar to 'Cost of lawyers in responding to FOI request IR2023/00434'

Dear Tim Bush, Please find attached the outcome of your Internal Review request. We apologise for the delay in responding. Regards, Data Protect...
Post Office branches inside WH Smiths
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim Bush on .

Long overdue

Dear Tim Bush, Thank you for contacting us with your request for an internal review. This has been assigned to a caseworker (our ref: IR2023/00372)...
Post Office branches in WHSmith stores
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim Bush on .

Long overdue

Our ref: FOI2023/00373 Dear Tim Bush, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 28th June. Your request is being considered...
Post Office Herbert Smith Frrehills
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim Bush on .

Long overdue

Our ref: FOI2023/00397 Dear Tim Bush, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 4th July. Your request is being considered...
Public relations “narrative boxes/rocks”
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim Bush on .


Dear Tim Bush,   Please accept our sincere apologies, but unfortunately we won’t be able to provide a response to your information request today....
Honours - Ms Paula Vennells
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim Bush on .

Long overdue

Our ref: FOI2024/00046 Dear Tim Bush, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 9th January. Your request is being consider...
Freedom of Information Act requests. Processes.
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim Bush on .

Long overdue

Our ref: FOI2024/00632 Dear Tim Bush, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 18th April. Your request is being considere...
Claims for recourse. Mr Rodric Williams.
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim Bush on .


Our ref: FOI2024/00633 Dear Tim Bush, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 18th April. Your request is being considere...
Board Effectiveness Review
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim Bush on .


Our ref: FOI2024/00835 Dear Tim Bush, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 23rd May. Your request is being considered...
Prosecutions,Bonus and Apology
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Dear John O’Sullivan,   Thank you for your patience whilst we are handling your internal review request. Further to our email of 7 August 2023, we...
Dear John O'Sullivan, Thank you for your email. Please note, you only provided reference numbers to two FOIA requests in your previous email (FOI2023...
The Burton Report
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .


Dear Tim McCormack, Thank you for contacting us with your request for an internal review. This has been assigned to a caseworker (our ref: IR2023/0...
ATM Thefts by Engineer
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .


Dear Tim McCormack, Thank you for contacting us with your request for an internal review. Apologies for the delay of acknowledgement. Please be ass...
ATM Thefts in 2013
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .

Partially successful

Dear Tim McCormack, With apologies for the delay in responding to you, please find attached our response relating to your Freedom of Information req...
Investigations into Post Office’s Suspense Accounts
Response by Post Office Limited to Eleanor Shaikh on .

Partially successful

Dear Eleanor Shaikh, Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Data Protection and Information...
Bonus Targets Endorsed by the Inquiry
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .


Our ref: FOI2023/00318 Dear Tim McCormack, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 7th June. Your request is being consid...
Publication of Annual Report 2021/2022
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .


Our ref: FOI2023/00404 Dear Tim McCormack, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 9th July. Your request is being consid...
Bonus Scandal - continued
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .


Our ref: FOI2023/00419 Dear Tim McCormack, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 17th July. Your request is being consi...
Bonus Payment Scandal - Metrics 22/23
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .

Partially successful

Our ref: FOI2023/00485 Dear Tim McCormack, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 18th August. Your request is being con...
Annual Report and Accounts
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .

Partially successful

Our ref: FOI2023/00497 Dear Tim McCormack, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 24th August. Your request is being con...
Bonus Payments 22/23
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .

Partially successful

Our ref: FOI2023/00543 Dear Tim McCormack, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 17th September. Your request is being...
Bonus Payments
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .

Partially successful

Our ref: FOI2023/00654 Dear Tim McCormack, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 13th November. Your request is being c...
Our ref: FOI2023/00663 Dear Tim McCormack, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 20th November. Your request is being c...
NBIT - your new computer system
Response by Post Office Limited to Tim McCormack on .

Information not held

Dear Tim McCormack, I hope you are well. Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay in responding to your email, which we originally logged un...
Dear John O'Sullivan, Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Data Protection and Informatio...