Cost of hosting Royal visit 15/3/24
Dear Cheltenham Borough Council,
Can you please give details on the expenses you faced after a visit from Anne Windsor to the Cheltenham Festival and Cheltenham Racecourse on March 15th 2024?
This could include:
- police/security costs
-staff overtime
-emergency planning
-other costs
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Danni Rawlings
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your enquiry. Your request for information has been logged as FOI 10213 and you will receive a response within 20 working days.
Kind regards,
Beth Cordingley (Mrs)
Head of Customer Services and Business Support (Interim)
Cheltenham Borough Council
Tel: 01242 264350
Email: [Cheltenham Borough Council request email]
FOI/EIR: 10213
Dear Danni Rawlings,
We have processed your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (FOI) as this is the relevant legislation for your
information request. The information the council holds in relation to your
request is below.
Your Request
Can you please give details on the expenses you faced after a visit from
Anne Windsor to the Cheltenham Festival and Cheltenham Racecourse on March
15th 2024?
Our Response
Null return. CBC had no involvement with the royal visit.
Please note: If you are dissatisfied with the Council’s response you have
a right of appeal. In the first instance please forward your appeal to
Customer Relations, Cheltenham Borough Council, Municipal Offices,
Promenade, Cheltenham, GL50 9SA or email:
[Cheltenham Borough Council request email]. Your appeal will be considered and a
response sent to you within 20 working days.
If you are still not happy with this decision you have a further right of
appeal to the Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.
Kind regards,
Beth Cordingley (Mrs)
Head of Customer Services and Business Support (Interim)
Cheltenham Borough Council
Tel: 01242 264350
Email: [1][Cheltenham Borough Council request email]
Website: [2]
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