Cost of 10 most expensive overseas flights

The request was successful.

Dear Science and Technology Facilities Council,

I would appreciate if you can provide details of the cost and location travelled from/to of the 10 most expensive flights per calendar or financial year for the last 3 years which have been taken by your employees for employment duties and paid for by SFTC.

Thank you for your assistance with this,

James Halinson

Science and Technology Facilities Council


For the Attention of:   James Halinson


Email: [1][FOI #150163 email]


Our reference:  FoI20130218


Subject:  – Cost of 10 most expensive overseas flights


Acknowledgement of request





Dear  James,



Thank-you for your enquiry (set out below) for information about flights
taken by STFC staff during the last 3 years.  I can confirm that the
enquiry was received at STFC on 18^th February 2013 and is now being dealt
with under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 by our Freedom
of Information team (FoI team).  


We aim to complete the enquiry within the 20 working days allowed by the
Act.  If some information is not available within that timescale I will
inform you as soon as possible.



In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, I will
let you know the likely charges before proceeding.  If you have
any queries about this response, please contact me, quoting the reference
number above.







Denise Francis

FoI and Records Manager

Science & Technology Facilities Council

Polaris House

North Star Avenue




Email:  [2][email address]

Tel: 01793 442184



Text or your request:


     Dear Science and Technology Facilities Council,


     I would appreciate if you can provide details of the cost and

     location travelled from/to of the 10 most expensive flights per

     calendar or financial year for the last 3 years which have been

     taken by your employees for employment duties and paid for by SFTC.


     Thank you for your assistance with this,


     James Halinson




     Please use this email address for all replies to this request:

     [3][FOI #150163 email]


     Is [4][STFC request email] the wrong address for Freedom of

     Information requests to Science and Technology Facilities Council?

     If so, please contact us using this form:



     Disclaimer: This message and any reply that you make will be

     published on the internet. Our privacy and copyright policies:



     If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your

     web manager to link to us from your organisation's FOI page.






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Science and Technology Facilities Council

1 Attachment

  • Attachment

    Ten most expensive overseas flights booked through STFC accounts 2010 2012.doc

    71K Download View as HTML



For the Attention of: James Halinson


Email: [1][FOI #150163 email]


Our Reference: FoI201318 


Subject: Cost of 10 most expensive overseas flights



Response to Request



Dear James,


In response to your request for information about the cost of the 10 most
expensive overseas flights taken by STFC staff over the past 3 years I
attach document “Ten most expensive overseas flights booked though STFC
accounts 2010-2012.doc” which contains the information provided by STFC in
response to your request and relates to calendar years.



Explanation of information provided


STFC is an international science and technology organisation operating
and/or managing research facilities overseas, as well as enabling UK
involvement in international science facilities and projects. STFC’s
management information systems enable us to identify the costs of flights
booked on behalf of staff members, but does not record which are
subsequently recovered from a third party.  Internal enquiries in relation
to this FOI Request strongly suggest that the majority of these bookings
fall into this category, although as noted above we are unable to provide
this assurance in all cases.   Most of the flights were taken in order to
attend short-duration meetings (1-2 days – 1 week) with important
international collaborations. STFC has management controls in place to
ensure compliance with its travel policy.



Advice and Assistance



Under the Freedom of Information legislation STFC has a duty to advise and
assist and I hope the information we are providing is of help to
you.   The text of the Freedom of Information Act can be found at: 
 [2] and I also
provide our complaints procedure below. 


Publication:  Please note that this response to your request may be
published on a public website.



Complaints Procedure


If you are unhappy with the way the STFC has handled your request, you may
ask for an internal review. You should contact me if you wish to
complain.  If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review,
you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

If you have any queries about this response, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.

Yours Sincerely,



Denise Francis

FoI & Records Manager

Science & Technology Facilities Council

Polaris House

North Star Avenue




Tel: 01793 442184

Email: [3][email address].uk     



Text of your request    


“I would appreciate if you can provide details of the cost and location
travelled from/to of the 10 most expensive flights per calendar or
financial year for the last 3 years which have been taken by your
employees for employment duties and paid for by SFTC.”









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3. mailto:[email address]