Cost codes

The request was successful.

Dear Blaby District Council,

This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act.

I wish to receive a list of your organisation’s cost codes and a description of what each code stands for. I use the term “cost codes” to refer to codes used by the council relating to a specific area of spending. If the council uses a different term for such spending areas, I would like to be informed of such difference.

I would like this information to be presented as follows:

Cost code: xxxx Description: xxxx (what this cost code represents)

I would like to receive this information electronically, in an Excel spreadsheet. If you feel that a substantive response to this request is not possible within a reasonable time frame I would be grateful if you could contact me and provide assistance as to how I can refine the request. I look forward to receiving a response in 20 working days. Many thanks.

Yours faithfully,

Jenna Corderoy

Emily Henderson, Blaby District Council

1 Attachment


Dear Ms Jenna Corderoy,

Freedom of Information Request – FOI-17-1434

I acknowledge your request for information received on the 14/09/2017.

Your request is being considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000
(“the Act”) and will be responded to within 20 working days, as defined by
the Act. This is subject to the information not being exempt or containing
a reference to a third party.

Responses to requests for information are sent by email, using normal font
size, unless you have requested otherwise. If you do have any particular
requirements for the format of our response (including for re-useable
formats), please do let us know.

For more on how the Council handles requests, including where exemptions
may apply or when fees are payable, please visit our website at:

If you have any queries or concerns, please contact Information Management
on 0116 272 7678 or by emailing [email address].

Yours sincerely

Emily Henderson, Information Governance Officer


Emily Henderson, Blaby District Council

2 Attachments


Dear Ms Jenna Corderoy,

Freedom of Information Request – FOI-17-1434

Please find attached a response to your request for information, which was
received on 14/09/2017, and has been dealt with under the Freedom of
Information Act 200 (“the Act”).

The information provided in response to Freedom of Information requests is
subject to copyright protection. Where the copyright is owned by Blaby
District Council, re-use is permitted in accordance with the terms of the
Open Government Licence. However, we do ask that you attribute the
information to Blaby District Council when re-using it.

Where third party copyright is identified, you will need to contact the
copyright owner directly should you wish to re-use their information.

Should you be unhappy with the way your request has been handled you can
ask for an internal review by emailing: [email address].
The Senior Information Governance Officer will then arrange a review of
your case.

If you are not happy with the outcome of the internal review, you have the
right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision.
For more information, please visit:

If you have any further queries, please email
[email address] quoting the above reference number.

Yours sincerely

Emily Henderson, Information Governance Officer