Requests similar to 'Cost codes'
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease of reference. I give below the response from the Isle of Anglesey County Cou...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease of reference. I give below and attached the response from the Isle of Angles...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease of reference. I attach the response from the Isle of Anglesey County Council...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease of reference, and apologise for the delay in replying. I give below the resp...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease of reference. I give below the response from the Isle of Anglesey County Cou...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease of reference. I give below the response from the Isle of Anglesey County Cou...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease of reference. I give below the response from the Isle of Anglesey County Cou...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease of reference. I give below the response from the Isle of Anglesey County Cou...
Further to your email below, your email of 16-3-18 was received but, as it did not contain a question, it was not felt necessary to reply and your mess...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease of reference, and apologise for the delay in replying.
Attached is a copy o...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease of reference. I give below the response from the Isle of Anglesey County Cou...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease of reference. This is the response from the Isle of Anglesey County Council...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease of reference. Please find below the response from the Isle of Anglesey Count...
Rwyf i ffwrdd o'r swyddfa ar hyn o bryd a byddaf yn ôl bore Llun, 19-8-19,
pan byddaf yn delio â'ch ymholiad.
Ruth Jone...
Rwyf i ffwrdd o'r swyddfa ar hyn o bryd a byddaf yn ôl bore Llun, 17-8-20,
pan byddaf yn delio â'ch ymholiad.
Ruth Jone...
Rwyf i ffwrdd o'r swyddfa ar hyn o bryd a byddaf yn ôl bore Mawrth,
6-4-21, pan byddaf yn delio â'ch ymholiad.
Ruth Jon...
Rwyf i ffwrdd o'r swyddfa ar hyn o bryd a byddaf yn ôl dydd Llun, 8-11-21,
pan byddaf yn delio â'ch ymholiad.
Ruth Jone...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease
of reference, and apologise for the delay in replying. I give below the
Further to your recent Freedom of Information request, copied below for
ease of reference, the information you request is exempt by virtue of S.
21 F...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease
of reference. I give below in red the response from the Isle of Anglesey...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease
of reference. I give below in red the response from the Isle of Anglesey...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease
of reference. I attach the response from the Isle of Anglesey County
Further to your recent Freedom of Information request, copied below for
ease of reference, the information you request is exempt by virtue of S.
21 F...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease
of reference. I give below in red the response from the Isle of Anglesey...
I refer to your recent Freedom of Information request, copy below for ease
of reference. I give below in red the response from the Isle of Anglesey...