Cost Anylis of the Flying Start Programme

The request was partially successful.

Dear Welsh Government,

I am seeking clarification on the cost differntials for the running of the Flying Start programme across Wales on a County by County basis.

Please provide the follwing data on a county by county basis:

1. The actual number of children registered through the FF programme?
2. The actual number of places allocated by WG?
3. The number settings run by a) Local Authority b)Third Sector c) Private Sector
4. The unit cost that is allocated per child for each of the setting
5. The amount of capital expenditure for the period 2010/11; 2011/12; 2012/13 broken down by the number of schemes benefiting per county?
6. The total level retained by each LA for the running of the FF programme- the total number staff employed and the total number of hours.
7. The percentage allocated against each LA staff member for pension contributions
8. The total amount given out in grant funding from LAs for sustainability and the number.
9. Number of Welsh only settings, Number of Children in each of these settings.
10. Number of children with special support needs supported under the scheme on a County level.
A copy of any report that WG have commissioned that influenced them to extend the number of families eligible.

Yours faithfully,

Derek Jackson

Eccles, Siobhan (LGC - CYP&F),

Mr. Jackson,

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request which has been forwarded to me.

In order to provide you with a comprehensive response, could you please provide clarification on the follow points :

1. The actual number of children registered through the FF programme ? Could you confirm that this does refer to Flying Start ?
8. The total amount given out in grant funding from LAs for sustainability and the number ?



Siobhán Eccles
Rheolwr Perfformiad / Performance Manager
Cymorth i Deuluoedd – Rhaglenni / Family Support - Programmes
Is-adran Plant, Phobl Ifanc a Teuluoedd / Children, Young People and Families Division
Yr Adran Cymunedau a Threchu Tlodi /Communities and Tackling Poverty Department
Y Gyfarwyddiaeth Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau / Local Government and Communities Directorate
Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government

Ffôn / Tel - 02920 826233
Ffacs / Fax: 02920 821715

E-bost: [email address]
E-mail: [email address]

show quoted sections

Dear Eccles, Siobhan (LGC - CYP&F),

Apology FF should have been FS - Flying Start

8. My understanding is each Local Authority provide sustainability grants to each setting. I am seeking details of the amounts they provide. Average amount plus number given out by each LA.

Yours sincerely,

Derek Jackson

Leetch, Frank (LGC - CYP&F),

1 Attachment

Mr Jackson,

Please find attached an acknowledgement letter in respect of the above.

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me
using the details below.

<<FoI Request_7728_FS_Sept2013.doc>>


Frank Leetch
Rheoli Perfformiad / Performance Management
Cymorth i Deuluoedd - Rhaglenni a Gweithredu / Family Support - Programme
& Implementation
Is-adran Plant, Pobl Ifanc a Theuluoedd / Children, Young People and
Families Division
Y Gyfarwyddiaeth Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau / Local Government and
Communities Directorate
Yr Adran Cymunedau a Threchu Tlodi / Communities and Tackling Poverty
Llywodraeth Cymru/ Welsh Government

Ffôn / Tel : 029 20 825101

E-bost: [email address]
E-mail: [email address]

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Wrth adael Mewnrwyd Ddiogel y Llywodraeth nid oedd unrhyw feirws yn
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drwy’r GSi yn cael ei logio, ei monitro a/neu ei chofnodi yn awtomatig am
resymau cyfreithiol.

Eccles, Siobhan (LGC - CYP&F),

5 Attachments

  • Attachment

    Doc.1 Letter Request for Information Cost Analysis of Flying Start.docx

    165K Download View as HTML

  • This attachment has been hidden. There are various reasons why we might have done this, sorry we can't be more specific here. Please contact us if you have any questions.
  • Attachment

    Doc.3 FOI Request 7728 Derek Jackson FS Capital Contribution Table 2a.docx

    17K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    Doc.4 FOI Request 7728 Derek Jackson FS Capital Working Sheet Table 2b.xls

    74K Download View as HTML

  • Attachment

    Doc.5 FO1 7728 FS Childcare Settings by Language Table 3.xls

    35K Download View as HTML

Mr Jackson,

I have enclosed a reply to your recent FOI on the Welsh Government Flying
Start programme.

<<Doc.1 - Letter Request for Information Cost Analysis of Flying
Start.docx>> <<Doc.2 FO1 7728 Table 1 FS FOI7728_20131003.xls>> <<Doc.3
FOI Request 7728 Derek Jackson FS Capital Contribution Table 2a.docx>>
<<Doc.4 FOI Request 7728 Derek Jackson FS Capital Working Sheet Table
2b.xls>> <<Doc.5 FO1 7728 FS Childcare Settings by Language Table 3.xls>>



Siobhán Eccles

Rheolwr Perfformiad / Performance Manager

Cymorth i Deuluoedd – Rhaglenni / Family Support - Programmes
Is-adran Plant, Phobl Ifanc a Teuluoedd / Children, Young People and
Families Division

Yr Adran Cymunedau a Threchu Tlodi /Communities and Tackling Poverty

Y Gyfarwyddiaeth Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau / Local Government and
Communities Directorate

 Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government

Ffôn / Tel - 02920 826233

Ffacs / Fax: 02920 821715

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