Correspondence with police around Thames Path barriers

The request was successful.

Alexander Baxevanis

Dear Greenwich Borough Council,

I refer to a tweet from your councillor David Gardner in relation to the installation of a barrier on a path between Thames Path and Tunnel Avenue to prevent antisocial behaviour:

Mr Gardner claims that “This [the installation of the barrier] was a police recommendation”.

Can you please share all correspondence between the Metropolitan Police (or any other police force) and Greenwich Council which includes:

1. A specific recommendation from the police to install the barrier
2. Any other options that were discussed
3. Any discussion of illegal/dangerous/antisocial behaviour that led to the consideration of installing a barrier

Yours faithfully,

Alexander Baxevanis

foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Baxevanis


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-72712


Thank you for your request dated 13 April 2023.


Your request will be answered by 15 May 2023. 


If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [1]


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foi, Greenwich Borough Council

Dear Mr Baxevanis


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-72712


We apologise for the delay in providing the response to your Freedom of
Information request. We do remain committed to responding to your request
and will respond as soon as we are able to do so.


Yours sincerely,

Freedom of Information Officer

Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


* The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London SE18 6HQ

8 [1]


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From: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Sent: 13 April 2023 08:54
To: 'Alexander Baxevanis' <[FOI #971341 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-72712: Freedom of Information request - Correspondence with
police around Thames Path barriers


Dear Mr Baxevanis


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-72712


Thank you for your request dated 13 April 2023.


Your request will be answered by 15 May 2023. 


If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [2]


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foi, Greenwich Borough Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Baxevanis


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-72712


Thank you for your request dated 13 April 2023.


Our response is as follows:


I refer to a tweet from your councillor David Gardner in relation to the
installation of a barrier on a path between Thames Path and Tunnel Avenue
to prevent antisocial behaviour:


Mr Gardner claims that “This [the installation of the barrier] was a
police recommendation”.



Can you please share all correspondence between the Metropolitan Police
(or any other police force) and Greenwich Council which includes:


1. A specific recommendation from the police to install the barrier

 A. I must advise that RBG does not hold any correspondence that match
this description between ourselves and the Metropolitan Police


2. Any other options that were discussed

 A. I must advise that RBG does not hold any correspondence that match
this description between ourselves and the Metropolitan Police


3. Any discussion of illegal/dangerous/antisocial behaviour that led to
the consideration of installing a barrier

 A. Please see attached document containing correspondence between RBG and
the Metropolitan Police Service


Section 40 (2) exemption

This information is partly exempt in accordance with section 40(2) of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act). This information constitutes
third party data.


Section 40(2) provides that personal data about third parties is exempt
information if one of the conditions set out in section 40(3)A of the Act
is satisfied. Under theAct disclosure of this information would breach the
fair processing principle contained in the Data Protection Act 2018.


The requested information constitutes personal data. Disclosure of this
information would contravene the first data protection principle, which
requires that personal data be processed fairly and lawfully. These
individuals would have an expectation that this information would not be
released without their consent. It is important to note that consent is
not a determining factor; however, it is a factor that has been considered
when taking into account the reasonable expectations of the data subjects.
These individuals would also have a reasonable expectation for the
requested information to be withheld and not placed in the public domain.


This exemption is an absolute exemption and the public interest test has
not been considered.



If you have any queries about this correspondence, please contact me,
quoting the reference number above.


If you are not satisfied with our response to your request, you can ask
for an Internal Review.  Internal review requests must be submitted within
two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original
request.  If you wish to do this, please contact us in writing, setting
out why you are dissatisfied.


If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the Internal Review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. 
Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the
Internal Review procedure provided by the Council. You can contact the ICO
by emailing [2][email address], or by post at Customer Contact,
Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
SK9 5AF.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [3]


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From: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Sent: 13 April 2023 08:54
To: 'Alexander Baxevanis' <[FOI #971341 email]>
Cc: foi <[Greenwich Borough Council request email]>
Subject: FOI-72712: Freedom of Information request - Correspondence with
police around Thames Path barriers


Dear Mr Baxevanis


Freedom of Information request:  FOI-72712


Thank you for your request dated 13 April 2023.


Your request will be answered by 15 May 2023. 


If you have any queries about this request, please contact me, quoting the
reference number above.


Yours sincerely,


David White

Head of Information, Safety and Community Services

Directorate of Communities, Environment and Central

Royal Borough of Greenwich


*   3^rd Floor, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18

8 [4]


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