Correspondence between the trust and DfE
Dear Warrington Primary Academy Trust,
As per the freedom of information act, please provide the following information:
1. Please provide copies of any correspondence (letters and email chains) between the CEO of your trust and the Department for Education (DfE) between the 1st June 2023 and present.
2. Please provide copies of any correspondence (letters and email chains) between your chair of trustees and the Department for Education (DfE) between the 1st June 2023 and present.
I understand that you will need to redact names, contact information and other personal data, I also understand if other sensitive or confidential information needs to be redacted as well.
Please respond within 20 days as per the freedom of Information Act.
Please kindly provide the information requested in PDF format.
Please handle this FOI request in line with the Freedom of Information Act.
Yours faithfully,
Grace Foster
Dear Grace
We note from WhatDoTheyKnow
( that your account has
been suspended. We are therefore, on behalf of all email
addresses, declining your request as per Section 8(1)(b) of the Freedom of
Information Act which requires a valid address for correspondence. This
applies to all of the requests made to any WPAT email address ending
Many thanks
Nikki Edwards
Warrington Primary Academy Trust
T: 01925202256 | E: [1][email address] |[2]@WPAT_| [3]
Postal address: Evelyn Street Primary School | Evelyn
Street | Warrington | WA5 1BD
WPAT respects the life-work balance of its staff, who are not expected to
read or respond to this email outside of their working hours.
From: Grace Foster <[FOI #1032964 email]>
Sent: 28 September 2023 17:19
To: WPAT Information <[WPAT request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Correspondence between the trust
and DfE
Dear Warrington Primary Academy Trust,
As per the freedom of information act, please provide the following
1. Please provide copies of any correspondence (letters and email chains)
between the CEO of your trust and the Department for Education (DfE)
between the 1st June 2023 and present.
2. Please provide copies of any correspondence (letters and email chains)
between your chair of trustees and the Department for Education (DfE)
between the 1st June 2023 and present.
I understand that you will need to redact names, contact information and
other personal data, I also understand if other sensitive or confidential
information needs to be redacted as well.
Please respond within 20 days as per the freedom of Information Act.
Please kindly provide the information requested in PDF format.
Please handle this FOI request in line with the Freedom of Information
Yours faithfully,
Grace Foster
Please use this email address for all replies to this request:
[FOI #1032964 email]
Is [WPAT request email] the wrong address for Freedom of Information requests to
Warrington Primary Academy Trust? If so, please contact us using this
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