Correspondence between the CEO of the trust and Priestley College
Dear Lion Academy Trust,
This is a formal freedom of information and as such you are required to respond in full within 20 working days.
Under the freedom of information act please can you provide a copy of all email chains between the CEO of your Trust and Priestley College (a college in Warrington in Cheshire that is part of another academy trust called The Challenge Academy Trust) between the 1st April 2023 and present. I understand that you will need to redact personal information and also potentially other information.
Additionally, under the freedom of information act please can you provide a copy of all email chains between the CEO of your Trust and James Gresty (James is the principal of Priestley College) between the 1st April 2023 and present. I understand that you will need to redact personal information and also potentially other information. Please include emails sent to James’s work email as well as James’s personal email as long as they were sent from the CEO’s work email address.
Please note that if you choose to withhold/refuse to disclose any of this information then you will also be required to do the following:
1. Confirm which exemption under the freedom of information act that you are relying on in order to withhold the requested information.
2. Specify in enough detail the basis on which you are applying this exemption.
I look forward to receiving your response within a maximum of 20 days as you are required to do under the freedom of information act.
Yours faithfully,
Amy Woollcott
Dear Amy,
Thank you for your request.
We have reviewed the request and have confirmed there are no email trails
between our CEO, and either Priestly College or James Grestly (personal or
professional email accounts).
I hope this response is satisfactory, but please do contact me direct should
you have any queries.
Very best,
David Bond
Chief Financial & Operations Officer
Lion Academy Trust
155 Canterbury Road, London, E10 6EJ
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