Correspondence - Auditor General and Carmarthenshire Council
Dear Mr Tillman,
On 10th May 2019 the Auditor General sent a letter to Ms Rees Jones in response to her request to reinstate the suspended unlawful libel clause in the Constitution.
I already have a copy of that letter.
Ms Rees Jones informed me via email on 8th October 2019 that elected members had not discussed the contents of the letter as the council was 'still in dialogue' with the Auditor General on the matter.
Could you please provide copies of all correspondence, letters, emails or meeting/telephone notes, between the council and the Auditor General and which forms that 'dialogue'.
Please provide this information from the 11th May 2019 to the date when you respond to this request.
Thank you,
Jacqui Thompson
Diolch am eich ebost. Mae hwn yn derbyn sylw a bydd ymateb pellach yn cael
ei ddarparu cyn gynted â phosibl.
Os ydych yn gwneud cais am wybodaeth, bydd y cyfnodau isod yn berthnasol:
Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000/Rheoliadau Gwybodaeth Amgylcheddol 2004 - 20
diwrnod gwaith, oni bai bod angen eglurhad arnom ynghylch y wybodaeth yr
ydych yn gofyn amdano.
Rheoliad Diogelu Data Cyffredinol (ceisiadau am fynediad i ddata personol)
– un mis ar ôl derbyn y cais.
Os bydd angen eglurhad arnom ar unrhyw agwedd o’ch cais, byddwn yn
cysylltu â chi mor gynted ag y bo modd.
Tîm Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth
Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin
Thank you for your email. This is receiving attention and a further
response will be provided as soon as possible.
If you are making a request for information, the following timescales will
Freedom of Information Act 2000/Environmental Information Regulations 2004
- 20 working days, unless we need clarification regarding the information
you are seeking.
General Data Protection Regulation (requests for access to personal data)
– one month from the receipt of the request.
If we do need to clarify any aspect of your request, we will contact you
as soon as possible.
Information Governance Team
Carmarthenshire County Council
Dear Mr Tillman
I'd be grateful for a response to this request.
The response was due by the 27th November.
Thank you
Jacqui Thompson
Diolch am eich ebost. Mae hwn yn derbyn sylw a bydd ymateb pellach yn cael
ei ddarparu cyn gynted â phosibl.
Os ydych yn gwneud cais am wybodaeth, bydd y cyfnodau isod yn berthnasol:
Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000/Rheoliadau Gwybodaeth Amgylcheddol 2004 - 20
diwrnod gwaith, oni bai bod angen eglurhad arnom ynghylch y wybodaeth yr
ydych yn gofyn amdano.
Rheoliad Diogelu Data Cyffredinol (ceisiadau am fynediad i ddata personol)
– un mis ar ôl derbyn y cais.
Os bydd angen eglurhad arnom ar unrhyw agwedd o’ch cais, byddwn yn
cysylltu â chi mor gynted ag y bo modd.
Tîm Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth
Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin
Thank you for your email. This is receiving attention and a further
response will be provided as soon as possible.
If you are making a request for information, the following timescales will
Freedom of Information Act 2000/Environmental Information Regulations 2004
- 20 working days, unless we need clarification regarding the information
you are seeking.
General Data Protection Regulation (requests for access to personal data)
– one month from the receipt of the request.
If we do need to clarify any aspect of your request, we will contact you
as soon as possible.
Information Governance Team
Carmarthenshire County Council
Dear Mr Tillman
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Carmarthenshire Council's handling of my FOI request 'Correspondence - Auditor General and Carmarthenshire Council' as I have not received a response within the statutory time limit.
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Thank you
Jacqui Thompson
Diolch am eich ebost. Mae hwn yn derbyn sylw a bydd ymateb pellach yn cael
ei ddarparu cyn gynted â phosibl.
Os ydych yn gwneud cais am wybodaeth, bydd y cyfnodau isod yn berthnasol:
Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000/Rheoliadau Gwybodaeth Amgylcheddol 2004 - 20
diwrnod gwaith, oni bai bod angen eglurhad arnom ynghylch y wybodaeth yr
ydych yn gofyn amdano.
Rheoliad Diogelu Data Cyffredinol (ceisiadau am fynediad i ddata personol)
– un mis ar ôl derbyn y cais.
Os bydd angen eglurhad arnom ar unrhyw agwedd o’ch cais, byddwn yn
cysylltu â chi mor gynted ag y bo modd.
Tîm Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth
Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin
Thank you for your email. This is receiving attention and a further
response will be provided as soon as possible.
If you are making a request for information, the following timescales will
Freedom of Information Act 2000/Environmental Information Regulations 2004
- 20 working days, unless we need clarification regarding the information
you are seeking.
General Data Protection Regulation (requests for access to personal data)
– one month from the receipt of the request.
If we do need to clarify any aspect of your request, we will contact you
as soon as possible.
Information Governance Team
Carmarthenshire County Council
Dear Mrs Thompson,
I refer to your request for information, which was received on 30th October 2019 and has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I apologise for the delay in providing this response.
The specific information you requested was set out in your email below.
In response, please find attached the relevant information held by the Council.
Yours sincerely
John Tillman
Rheolwr Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth a Chwynion
TG a Pholisi Corfforaethol
Adran y Prif Weithredwr
Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin
Information Governance & Complaints Manager
ICT & Corporate Policy
Chief Executive’s Department
Carmarthenshire County Council
Mewnol/Internal: 4127
Allanol/External: 01267 224127
Dear Mrs Thompson,
Further to your email below and our full response to your request, which we acknowledge was not provided within the required timescale, we would be grateful if you could confirm whether or not you still wish to receive an internal review of the handling of your request.
Yours sincerely
John Tillman
Rheolwr Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth a Chwynion
TG a Pholisi Corfforaethol
Adran y Prif Weithredwr
Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin
Information Governance & Complaints Manager
ICT & Corporate Policy
Chief Executive’s Department
Carmarthenshire County Council
Mewnol/Internal: 4127
Allanol/External: 01267 224127
Dear Mr Tillman,
Thank you for the response, and yes I am withdrawing my request for an internal review,
Yours sincerely
Jacqui Thompson
Diolch am eich ebost. Mae hwn yn derbyn sylw a bydd ymateb pellach yn cael
ei ddarparu cyn gynted â phosibl.
Os ydych yn gwneud cais am wybodaeth, bydd y cyfnodau isod yn berthnasol:
Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000/Rheoliadau Gwybodaeth Amgylcheddol 2004 - 20
diwrnod gwaith, oni bai bod angen eglurhad arnom ynghylch y wybodaeth yr
ydych yn gofyn amdano.
Rheoliad Diogelu Data Cyffredinol (ceisiadau am fynediad i ddata personol)
– un mis ar ôl derbyn y cais.
Os bydd angen eglurhad arnom ar unrhyw agwedd o’ch cais, byddwn yn
cysylltu â chi mor gynted ag y bo modd.
Tîm Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth
Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin
Thank you for your email. This is receiving attention and a further
response will be provided as soon as possible.
If you are making a request for information, the following timescales will
Freedom of Information Act 2000/Environmental Information Regulations 2004
- 20 working days, unless we need clarification regarding the information
you are seeking.
General Data Protection Regulation (requests for access to personal data)
– one month from the receipt of the request.
If we do need to clarify any aspect of your request, we will contact you
as soon as possible.
Information Governance Team
Carmarthenshire County Council
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