Requests similar to 'Correspondence' (page 19)

HPA study on depleted uranium
Response by Public Health England to Doug Weir on .


Please find attached Public Health England’s response to your request for information. Regards Freedom of Information Officer Public Health England T...
Latest JSP 950 Edition
Response by Ministry of Defence to Jack Carrigan on .


Dear Jack, Please see the attached. Regards, Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services Whittington Lichfie...
Request for latest version of JSP 950 Leaflet 6-7-7
Response by Ministry of Defence to Peter Keenlyside on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Peter, Please see the attached. Regards, Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services Whittington Lichfi...
Dear Michael, Please see the attached. Regards, Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services (HQ DMS) HQ DMS Secretariat, HQ DMS, Coltma...
JSP 950 Part 1 Lft 6-7-7 query
Response by Ministry of Defence to Dianne Turner on .


Dear Dianne, Please see the attached. Regards, Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services Whittington Lichf...
Response by Dumfries and Galloway Council to brian ovens on .


Good Afternoon Please find attached the response to your recent request for information. If I can be of any further help, please let me know. Rega...
  Dear Ermine Amies   Please find attached the response to your FOI request.  We would be grateful if you would complete and return the below sa...
Dear Mr Smith, Please see the attached. Regards, Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services Whittington Lic...
Dear Ms Smith Further to your request for information to the PCT on the diagnosis of Children and Adults with ASD's, pursuant to the Freedom of Inform...
Business Rates/credits
Response by Brighton and Hove City Council to Anonymous User on .

Partially successful

Please see attachment. Note, where the liable party is an individual, the ratepayer details are considered to be personal and therefore exempt from di...
Dear Mr Chait Sorry about you not being able to open the spreadsheet. Please find the attached without a password Regards John Nightingale Head of R...
Audit details
Response by University of Edinburgh to Diane Scott on .


Dear Ms Scott, Please find attached a response to your recent FOI request. Kind regards, Fiona Buchanan. Fiona Buchanan Records Management Section...
Payments to and Dealings with Stonewall
Response by Bury Metropolitan Borough Council to Clare Taylor on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Requestor,   Request for Information - Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) –   I write further to your e-mail received by the Council o...
Dear Requestor,                 Request for Information - Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) –   I write further to your e-mail received...
Domestic Abuse Pathway

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Busby,   Thank you for your email.   Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request.   Kind regards,  ...
Connaught Court planning applications
Response by City of York Council to Jesper Phillips on .

Partially successful

Dear Sir   I refer to your email dated 3 December 2020 regarding the above.  Your request is considered under the Environmental Information Regula...
JSP 950 Form
Response by British Army to Euan Burrows on .


Dear Euan, Please see the attached. Regards, Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services Whittington Lichfie...
Dear Mr Smith, Please see the attached. Regards, Secretariat Headquarters Defence Medical Services Defence Medical Services Whittington Lic...
Shauneen Killyleagh| Information Compliance Unit |Extension1969 | email: [1][email address] | [2][Queen's University Belfast request email] [3]Lo...
Legal cases information
Response by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board to E G Douglass on .


Good Afternoon,   I am writing further to your e-mail below requesting information from Cardiff and Vale University Health Board (the UHB) under t...
Number of Ethnic Minority businesses on Supplier List
Response by Blackpool Borough Council to IQBAL PATEL on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Patel FOI request As requested, see attached creditor payments for financial year April 2009/March 2010 and from April 2010 to 30 November...
Copies of papers and minutes since 2006
Response by Women's National Commission to Jo Simons on .

Partially successful

Dear Jo Simons Information attached for the following meetings: Jun 08 Oct 08 Rgds Fiona Lamming Commissioner Relationship Manager Women's Natio...
Please see attached the response to your request. Freedom of Information Co-ordinator Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust FOI Co-ordinator In...
Cycle Lane - Bollards.
Response by East Renfrewshire Council to Sam-Howard on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Sam Howard, Information Request under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002   I refer to your recent freedom of information request...
Dear Mr Chait Please see attached spreadsheet in response to your information request. Kind regards Jason Smith Revenues and Recovery Manager Jason...