Correct pay rates, care agency workers
Dear Southern Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),
On 4 March BSO wrote a letter to all care agencies in NI contracted by all Health Trusts in NI and wrote as follows:
"We would like to remind contracted suppliers of their obligations under the Framework and
the Agency Worker Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2011 to ensure that, in terms of the
payment of enhancements for unsocial hours, pay parity is applied to the hours 8.00pm-
6.00am for night shift workers as outlined in the NHS Terms and Conditions of Service
Handbook. We would like specifically to remind contracted suppliers of the following from the
Where a continuous night shift or evening shift on a weekday (other than a public holiday)
includes hours outside the period of 8pm to 6am, the enhancements should be applied to the
whole shift if more than half of the time falls between 8pm and 6am. "
*Please outline clearly and concisely without ambiguity, which care agencies have started to charge/invoice your trust at the correct night rate between 6-8am weeknights, given that 3 months have now passed since the letter was received.
*Please outline clearly which agencies have not started to invoice at the correct rate.
*If agencies have not and your Trust is aware of the reason why, please outline the reason.
*Please outline which agencies have submitted requests for backpay and if your Trust will oblige requests for backpay or not and if not , why not.
Yours faithfully,
Joan Corrigan
Thank you for your email.
We acknowledge receipt of your request.
You will be aware of the significant pressures on our health and social
care services during the current third surge of the Covid-19
pandemic. During this time we have been asking our staff to prioritise
their professional caring duties and to support frontline health and
social care services in responding to the emergency. This has
understandably had an impact on other duties within their role such as
responding to legislative requirements under FOI and the processing of
Subject Access Requests.
We assure you that your request will be logged and processed, and we will
do our utmost to respond as quickly as possible.
Yours faithfully
Information Governance Team
By email: [FOI #760034 email]
27th May 2021 Our Ref: FOI 551
Dear Ms Corrigan
I acknowledge your request which was received on 27th May 2021 requesting information held by the Trust.
Your request is currently being addressed and if approved you will receive the information requested within the statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Freedom of Information Act 2000. For your information, the Act defines a number of exemptions which may prevent release of the information you have requested. If any of the exemption categories apply then the information will not be released. You will be informed if this is the case, including your right of appeal.
If the information you request contains reference to a third party then they may be consulted prior to a decision being taken on whether or not to release the information to you. You will also be informed if this is the case.
There may be a fee payable for the information you have requested. In this event the fee must be paid before the information is processed and the 20 working day time limit for responses will be suspended until receipt of the payment. If a fee is required I will write to you again to advise of this.
If you have any queries or concerns then please contact:
Head of Information Governance
Southern Health & Social Care Trust
Bannvale Site
10 Moyallen Road
BT63 5JX
Email: [email address]
Tel: 028 37561458
Yours sincerely
Karen Harrison
Information Governance Officer
Dear Ms Corrigan
Please see attached response in respect of your recent Freedom of
Information request to the Southern Health & Social Care Trust.
Kind regards
Karen Harrison
Information Governance Department
Southern Health & Social Care Trust
Dear Team, Foi,
Thank you for your response
However, your last answer is vague and unhelpful , so I am asking you to be more clear.
You state:
"To date no requests for back payment have been submitted.
Invoices will be accepted and reviewed by the Trust in line with the terms of the contract.
If an unreasonable amount of time has lapsed this would need to be reviewed. "
*BSO have made it clear in writing this year that "the terms of the contract" which discriminated against agency workers by paying them lower rates than their Trust colleagues, was wrong, and of note it is illegal as per Agency workers regulations.
1. Can the southern Trust explain why it had contracts with various agencies which featured and allowed and directed the practice of illegally underpaying agency workers?
2. Was the Southern Trust aware that pay parity was to be applied between 6am and 8am on weekday mornings?
and that this had not previously been made explicit by BSO on the rate cards provided throughout the current Framework?
If it was aware , why did it sign the contract? and previous contracts which may have also underpaid workers?
3. Now that BSO have made that clear to you, why is the Southern Trust referencing a contract/ contracts which either knowingly duped agencies, or, neglectfully flouted agency workers regulations, not to mention, withholding money from workers, as if those contracts must be adhered to, despite their being clearly flawed?
You reference the contract as if it contained the correct rates. It did not. Why then are you trying to honour a contract with incorrect rates?
4. What does the Southern Trust deem to be "an unreasonable amount of time lapsed" and what exactly does the southern Trust need to "review".
(The review which needs rectifying is the illegal underpaying of agency wokrers, not the lapse of time , not the length of time Trusts knowingly or otherwise paid two different rates at times to staff doing the same job
The "review" needs to be in terms of how and why this happened, not "if" or "when" they will backpay the staff underpaid whilst working on their premises whilst they were the Hirer, and "under what circumstances". The error is unequivocal.
The BSO letter was sent in March 2021 , it is now June 2021. Your Trust should have been liaising with agencies immediately to ensure backpay was, in fact, paid as soon as possible.
I look forward to your clarification.
Yours sincerely,
Joan Corrigan
Dear Ms Corrigan
Thank you for your email and apologies for the delay in responding.
Your query had been overlooked initially due to an oversight but has since been forwarded to the service area concerned and their response will be forwarded to you as soon as it has been received by us.
Apologies again for the delay.
Kind Regards
Karen Harrison
Information Governance Dept
Southern Health & Social Care Trust
Dear Southern Trust FOI Team
It seems nearly a year has gone by and no answer from yourselves? last message July 2021? I am revisiting this.
Do you intend to answer?
What has happened, another oversight?
If I have no received an answer by end March 2022, I will be contacting ICO.
Yours sincerely,
Joan Corrigan
Thank you for your email.
We acknowledge receipt of your request.
You will be aware of the significant pressures on our health and social
care services during the current surge of the Covid-19 pandemic. During
this time we have been asking our staff to prioritise their professional
caring duties and to support front line health and social care services in
responding to the emergency. This has understandably had an impact on
other duties within their role such as responding to legislative
requirements under FOI and the processing of Subject Access Requests.
We assure you that your request will be logged and processed, and we will
do our utmost to respond as quickly as possible.
Yours faithfully
Information Governance Team
Dear Mrs Corrigan
Thank you for your email and apologies for the delay in responding.
I have forwarded a reminder to the service area concerned. I will keep you informed of any updates that they provide and sincerely apologise for the delay and thank you for your patience.
Kind regards
Dear Team, Foi,
what are you hiding?
answer the question
under Internal review
Yours sincerely,
Joan Corrigan
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