Corporate Estate Managing Maintenance

Nicola Pomroy made this Freedom of Information request to Dounreay Site Restoration Limited as part of a batch sent to 100 authorities Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Dounreay Site Restoration Limited,

Please can you provide me with information concerning the maintenance of your corporate estate i.e. operational buildings, land and any other property (e.g. investment) and schools, if they are within your jurisdiction. Not any social housing/dwellings.

Q1. What type of maintenance management model does your organisation use? E.g. Managed supply-chain, single hard-fm & soft-fm contractor, internal workforce, principal contractor etc.

Q2. Can you provide a list of the approved contractors used?

Q3. What are the total values of contracts granted?

Q4. When do these contracts expire?

Q5. What services are provided in each contract?

Q6. What procurement method was used? E.g. Open ITT, Framework if so, which one?

Thank you for your help.

Yours faithfully,

Nicola Pomroy

Communications, Dounreay Site Restoration Limited

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If you need a response outside office hours, please telephone 01847 803210
and ask for the duty press officer.
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not necessarily those of Dounreay, a division of Magnox. Dounreay is a
division of Magnox Limited, Companies House registered number 02264251.
Registered office: Magnox Limited, Oldbury Technical Centre, Oldbury
Naite, Thornbury, South Gloucestershire, England, BS35 1RQ.

Communications, Dounreay Site Restoration Limited


Dear Nicola,

We do not engage a single hard and or soft FM contractor, Dounreay self performs maintenance, supported by a number of stand-alone contracts: Catering +IBM- Compass Services LTD , General Cleaning +IBM- OCS Group Limited, Grounds Maintenance +IBM- Donald MacDonald.

Contract information is published here +IBM- (search against postcode KW14 7TZ).

For more information on Dounreay's approach to procurement go to our website -


Sue Thompson
Internal Communications Manager
FOI Practitioner / Duty Press Officer

T: 01847 802371 +AHw- M: 07894 885773 +AHw- Call me on Microsoft Teams


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